Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Valentine's 4 Day Weekend

Danny is back at work after a three and a half day weekend and it was the best. I almost wish that it wasn't so great though because when Addie wakes up from her nap and sees that he's gone she's going to be so sad. She loves her daddy and I love their relationship. It was almost heartbreaking to watch Danny get her ready for her nap because even he was sad when trying to explain he'll be at work when she wakes up but that he'll be here for lunch tomorrow. I am excited for Addie to wake up though because today is a beautiful warm day. It's 50 degrees which doesn't sound too warm, but considering that we're still in February and there's snow on the ground 50 degrees sounds amazing. 
Danny had a long weekend with us because Monday (yesterday) was Presidents' Day and today was Reading Day (UVU's fake holiday) so all classes were cancelled. I wish Danny's shift tonight was cancelled but it's still been a pretty incredible weekend. On Saturday we went through the Provo City Center Temple open house with Dave, Donna, Mike, Rand, Ashley, their kids and Ashley's parents. We had tickets but still had to wait over an hour in line so by the time we actually started the tour Addie was completely done with it all. She just wanted to leave the line, walk around and explore on her own. She tends to struggle being around huge crowds. I really believe she might feel claustrophobic. Even as a baby we've always had to take her into quiet rooms to make sure she felt calm and comfortable when places got too crowded or loud. Danny says she gets that from him; I have to agree with him on this one. Anyway from what little I did get to see when I wasn't distracted with Addisyn was beautiful. Addie loved seeing the murals with all the different animals and had to show us her animal sounds. She's recently learned the sounds for lion, pig, duck, elephant, and snake. She was pretty cute but I was worried that she was being distracting to others. It made me feel good when we were outside heading to our car when a nice young couple stopped us to tell us how much fun they had watching our daughter. It made me feel good because I spent the whole tour stressed that we were just disrupting the peace for everyone there. I can't wait to go back with Danny and actually pay attention to the details that were put into that temple. I'm excited to go back. 
We picked up Mexican food for our Valentine meal from our favorite restaurant on the way back and came across this Jurrasic Park vehicle. Of course we had to get a picture of it. 
Sunday was Valentines Day and I felt lucky relaxing all day with my husband and our girl. We had already exchanged gifts a couple days earlier since neither of us are good at waiting til the actual day. Danny got a book he wanted, Addie got a stuffed monkey (even though she already has too many) and I got a kitchen food scale and some sweatpants (I'm currently on a health kick right now). We spent the evening with Danny's mom since his dad had to leave for a business trip. We also wanted to show Addie the farm animals but there was too much snow and mud back there so we didn't. 
Well I'm going to quickly recap the last day and a half because I hear Addie starting to wake up and I want to take her outside to enjoy the sunshine. 

Monday was awesome. We walked around the Traverse Outlet Mall and had a great FHE and then we watched a movie for February's date at home after Addie went to bed. 

Here's some random pictures from the last couple days. 
Danny making Valentines' Day breakfast.
This picture is from the other weekend.
Now I'm going to play with my sweet cutie since she's now fully awake. 

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