Thursday, December 8, 2016

Birth Story - Hudson Daniel

Today was my due date for Hudson Daniel but I've been lucky to spend the last six days already with him here. I don't regret my decision to be induced with him at all especially now that I know how lucky we are to even have him here. He's my little miracle baby, my little fighter. 
Hudson was born last Friday on December 2nd. There were so many babies born the night before that my check in time at the hospital was changed from 7:15am to 8:45am. I was kind of hoping that I would get an even later check in time because Danny had a four hour class that he could not get out of. Luckily for us the hospital was still pretty busy when I got there so it wasn't until 9:30am that I was started on Pitocin and 12:45pm that my water broke. Danny's class ended and he finally joined me at the hospital and was there when I got the epidural. At 2:30pm I was checked and told that I was at 4cm and for Danny not to go anywhere far because baby would be here soon. Danny and I weren't convinced this would be the case because I had already been dilated at 3cm for several weeks so we figured we still had awhile to go. A little after three o'clock I told Danny that he could leave to take some food home to Addie and his sister. We should've believed the nurses because within 40 minutes I went from a 4 to a completed 10. I tried to get a hold of him but he didn't reply so I sent a message to his sister for Danny to head straight back. He arrived at the hospital at 3:55pm and after three pushes Hudson was born at 4:11pm.

They laid our baby boy on me and it took me several seconds to realize something was a little off. He was completely limp and not moving. Danny never got the chance to cut the umbilical cord because the doctor was so quick to do it. Apparently the cord was wrapped around Hudson's neck four times and then they discovered that the cord was also tied in a huge knot. The doctor later explained that knotted cords are rare and usually result in giving birth to a stillborn. This must've happened during early pregnancy but thankfully the knot never completely cut off all nutrients going to Hudson and he was able to make it full term. As I was pushing him out the doctor told me to stop during the last push because Hudson was practically out and losing oxygen. He was only on me a short bit before they took him across the room to be given a tiny oxygen mask, that's when I finally heard him cry. That's also the moment I realized that up to that point he hadn't cried. After a little help from the nurses Hudson was okay and doing well on his own. They brought him back to me and I got to hold him uninterrupted for the next two hours. I couldn't take my eyes off him. Danny and I both instantly saw his sister in his little face. They both started off with big, chubby, kissable and pinch-able cheeks.

Addie was brought to the hospital once we were moved into the recovery room. Danny picked her up from the waiting room and brought her to me and Hudson. It was nice having it be just the four of us but since Addie was a little sick there wasn't too much interaction. It's been six days now and Addie now loves Hudson. It's taken just the last few days but she now runs to him in the mornings to give him hugs and kisses. She likes playing with his feet and face and so far Hudson doesn't seem to mind her in his bubble.

Hudson is a sweet chill baby and I'm lucky to have him here. During my pregnancy with him I would tell people how 'nice' of a baby he already was because unlike my pregnancy with Addie I never got painful kicks to the ribs. Now I know why his movements were always very soft and subtle. Poor kid couldn't move if he had wanted to. Danny and I couldn't be more in love with this little man. When I count my blessings he's definitely one of them.

Hudson Daniel
8 lbs 1 oz
20 inches long
4:11pm Dec 2, 2016 

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