Saturday, December 31, 2016

Night Night Addie

Twice this week Addie woke up at 4:30am to play with her Christmas toys. We had to explain to her that it was dark outside which meant it was still night night time. The following night she slept through the night without coming into our room so we thought the message must have gotten through to her. Well apparently not. Last night she came into our room at 2:30am because she wanted to go play outside with the snowman she had made earlier. We had to tell her again that when it's dark outside it means she needs to be in bed asleep. Tonight we were driving home pretty late and she was falling asleep in her car seat. Danny and I tried to keep her awake because we wanted her to fall asleep in her bed and felt that a power nap in the car would only keep her awake at home for a couple hours. We insisted that she stay awake just a little bit longer and she replied, "no, it's dark outside. It's night night time." She chooses now to listen to us." :/

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