Monday, December 19, 2016

Still My Baby

Being a mom to two kids brings along a lot of new emotions. One of them is guilt. This guilt isn't overwhelmingly huge or too much to handle but it is there. It might be small compared to other emotions I feel but it's enough for me to notice it. As I drove myself to the hospital (because Danny had school) I couldn't help but worry about my daughter Addie. I wondered how bringing home a baby could possibly effect my relationship with her. I didn't want her to feel like she was less important or anything similar to that nature because it's far from the truth. The sad thing is that she was also sick that weekend so knowing that I couldn't be home to help comfort her stung a little.

I'll be honest and say that I thought Addie was going to struggle adapting to the big sister role, but luckily that has not been the case. She loves her baby brother Hudson. She likes to talk to him and loves seeing him every morning. She gives him hugs everyday and will try to give him his binky if he's upset. The other night he was crying and only calmed down because she started singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" to him. I've really enjoyed seeing her interact with him. My love for Addie has grown as I've watched her handle this life change. I still have moments here and there where I feel a little sad that our one on one times aren't so frequent but she's been such a champ that I can't help but be overjoyed with her. I love this little girl of mine.

These pictures below were taken just a few days before Hudson was born. It was our first real snow day where the snow actually stuck on the ground for more than an hour so I took Addie outside to enjoy it. She was so amazed by the snowflakes and wasn't bothered by the cold at all.
Addie has taught me so much about life and love. I pray I can be just like her when it comes to living in the moment. Even though she's such a little grownup now she'll always be my baby girl.

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