Monday, March 27, 2017

Birthday Week!

I feel pretty lucky that this year my birthday week fell on Danny's spring break. I got to enjoy having him home for a whole week which was nice since we don't usually get to spend a lot of time together. He's back at school today and only has about another month before he's done at UVU. This will also be his last spring break for a little while so I tried to take advantage of it. During the week Danny had arranged with his family to watch to both Addie and Hudson so that we can go on an official date just the two of us. It was our first time since Hudson was born and it was very needed. We knew Addie would love spending time with her aunts and grandma but we did worry a little bit about Hudson. He's back to being sick again and hasn't been the happiest baby lately. Luckily he gave them plenty of smiles that day and apparently was quite the chatter bug, at least that's what we were told so I'm glad it turned out fine. Danny set up an appointment for us to get a couples massage. It was my first time and now I'm wondering why I've never done this before. Apparently constantly holding two little kids can put a lot of tension on your shoulders haha. We felt so relaxed and didn't want to leave right away. Well, part of us didn't want to leave. The other part wanted to hurry and head to our next place because we were hungry for some Brazilian cuisine. Every year for our birthdays we eat at either Tucanos or Rodizio Grill (both are Brazilian steakhouses). We usually do both for Danny's birthday in June. This year I chose Tucanos and eating there with no kids with us was awesome. We were able to enjoy our food like a regular couple. :) We sure do love our kids but sometimes it's nice to eat while the food is still hot.
Danny and I have always been bad about giving gifts on our actual birthday because we're not patient enough and this year was no different. On one of the days I was in the living room working out with Addie when Danny walked in and saw us exercising. He told me to hold on and then ran out to his car where he had my presents hidden and then came back with new weights for me to use. The next day I got new workout clothes and the day after that he gave me a movie I wanted to watch. On my actual birthday we all went to the Puppy Barn in American Fork. I knew they had some St. Bernard puppies and that's all I really wanted to see. Addie loved seeing all of the puppies they had. I'm thinking she's going to be a dog person.
The LDS Women's Conference was on the night of my birthday so Danny played with Addie and made me a birthday dinner while I watched that and Hudson napped. The only thing that would've made my birthday absolutely perfect would've been if we finished the night with ice cream and cake. Unfortunately I'm now on a chocolate and dairy free diet. Both seem to upset Hudson's tummy so out of love for him I'm changing the way I eat. Which is not easy because I love chocolate and all things cheese! Instead of ice cream and cake though Danny did drive me to a place that sells Acai Bowls (a Brazilian treat) and just writing about it makes me want to go back and get more because it was so good! Hmm maybe I'll go when Danny is at Priesthood meeting this weekend for General Conference. :) 
Cheers to being 28!

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