Monday, March 20, 2017

St. Patrick's Day

As a child I always looked forward to holidays and that hasn't stopped into my adult years. My family always did something no matter which holiday it was. I haven't told my step mom this yet but I'm really glad that she went out of her way to do little things for us on the holidays. For example one Valentine's Day she made us all little love note pillows and every day she'd sneak a little note into our pillows for us to read. Another is that on President's Day she'd made a flag cake with strawberries and blueberries for the stars and stripes. Every Easter morning we would have our baskets hidden somewhere for us to find them. We always had barbecues on Labor Day and every Memorial Day we'd visit graves and then have chocolate milk and doughnuts. It didn't matter if the holiday was a small one we still did something for it and that's probably the best thing about my childhood. So you can imagine how I felt on the night before St. Patrick's day when I realized that I had completely forgotten that day was coming up. If I had planned it better I would've gotten Addie her own little shirt and made sure that she had a green breakfast to enjoy. Good thing my kids are still little and didn't even know about it. Danny grew up only celebrating the big holidays such as Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas so he did his best to help me feel better about letting this holiday fall through the cracks. I will not be making this mistake again with the next holiday which is Easter in just a few weeks. :)

Luckily Hudson had a little Saint Patrick's onesie that Donna had given me when I was pregnant with him and it was the perfect fit for him. I got some pictures with him in it and to be honest his sad little pouts are probably my favorite pictures of him. Sorry bud but you're just too cute. As soon as I picked him up he fell asleep. :)

Addie of course laid down on a blanket and said she wanted a picture too. She even grabbed a teddy bear and said he needed to be in it. :) 
Proof I didn't completely torture him with picture taking.
This next picture was taken the next day. Hudson is about to outgrow this onesie so I made Danny take a picture for me before it's too late to get one of them matching. Both of my boys are good sports. :)

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