Wednesday, August 22, 2018

5th Year Anniversary!

Five years. Five years of this life we've created together. You've seen me at my worst, and I'd like to think you've seen me at my best. Just like any other marriage we've gone through ups and downs, but here we are five years later still riding on a lot of ups. I'm glad this ride is with you. You've been a constant example of what never giving up on our dreams looks like. Five years. That's 260 weeks and I've been either pregnant or nursing for 226 out of those 260 weeks. So it's safe to say you've seen me with crazy and emotional moments. You've also been a student for about 230 of those weeks so I can say I've also seen you with stressful and emotional moments. We must really like each other since you're still with me and I'm still with you. :)

Five years. Four moves. Three kids. Two universities. One crazy ride. 

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