Sunday, September 2, 2018

Last Week of Summer Break

This last weekend officially ended our summer break and both Danny and Addie are starting school this week. We have been wanting to take our kids to Bridal Falls and we finally did that. It was so nice to get out of the house and the kids enjoyed it. Surprisingly with the breeze it got kind of cold. The kids both wanted to get in the water but the water itself was freezing so Addie barely stuck her feet in before changing her mind. Hudson, however, didn't mind the cold water at all. Nothing stopped him from playing in it even though Danny and I tried to talk him out of it. We eventually had to force him out and he wasn't too happy about that at first but that water was way too cold to have our kids in it. Grant of course slept through the whole outing.
We also went to my family's traditional cabin Labor Day weekend in Heber Valley. Usually we go up for the day but make it back home to sleep in our own beds. We didn't do that this year. We decided to spend the night with our three year old, one year old and one month old and we survived! It actually went better than we anticipated. It was nice to unplug and just enjoy ourselves with family in the mountains. All three kids did amazing the whole time we were up there. I'm really glad we decided to stay overnight especially since I'm not sure this tradition will continue. Next year instead of renting out these cabins like we have done every year since I was 15 years old, we are doing a big family vacation in Bear Lake. It's pretty exciting and I'm looking forward to it.
Our Sleeping arrangements
He fell and I had to get a picture haha. Don't worry I helped him after.
We had this whole cabin to ourselves.
The one picture she let me take and it's of the back of her head. Oh well.

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