Tuesday, January 21, 2020

January Outing - Circus

One of my goals for this year is to plan a fun outing or playdate for the kids and myself each month. This month I decided to take my family to the circus. They were in town for one night only and my kids have never been. The circus was also my second date with Danny and that was the last time we'd been so I thought it would be fun.
I was not expecting to experience the circus with different lens and got a different perspective from it as a parent. Danny and I honestly both felt a little bad for the animals there. We didn't say anything to each other until after the kids were already in bed for the night but it was strange how both of us got the same feeling from it. We also both had a desire to take our kids to a real elephant sanctuary so Thailand is now officially on our bucketlist for family travels one day. With that said the kids had soooo much fun and that alone was the best part of the night. All three did amazing and we were so proud of them. They laughed, squealed, cheered and grinned. They really did have a blast and I was happy for them. The circus also displayed some 'real' dinosaurs which really got the kids excited. It was their favorite part. Their second favorite part was a car that turned into a transformers robot. At least their favorite parts weren't ones that displayed the animal acts. We don't think we'll go to the circus again but we're glad that we at least did go one time as a family. I remember going as a kid and Danny does as well so hopefully this will remain a fond memory for them for as long as it can before their perspective suddenly takes a drastic shift like it did for Danny and I tonight. Overall this first family organized outing for 2020 was a success just based on the kid's reaction alone. 

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