Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2019 Year Review

2019 started off bittersweet with news of a death in the family however it turned out to be an amazing year. The biggest thing that happened is definitely the growth that cane from Danny being in Vanuatu for seven weeks with very limited communication and if we had to do it again - we would. Even though we weren't together we grew closer because of it. This has been one of the greatest years yet and we had a lot of fun. Another fun highlight for our family was taking our trip to Yellowstone and Bear Lake and enjoying time in three different states (Idaho, Montana and Wyoming). Halloween is also another personal highlight for me but the one that I know the whole family would agree on was our spontaneous trip to Salina, Ut. That was a lot of fun. I don't really have any regrets about this year at all and love where we currently are in life.

JANUARY - We did start off the year literally on day one of 2019 with the news of the passing of my Uncle Mike. That wasn't an incredible memory but it is something I want remembered. Grant also spent the end of the month sick with RSV so we fit in an endless supply of cuddles with that sweet boy.
FEBRUARY - This year Danny completely surprised our family with little Valentine's Day gifts. He's not really a planner so this really did catch me by surprise.
MARCH - I turned 30! This was a big milestone for me! Actually my one regret for the entire year was how we spent my birthday but that's okay. I still tried to make it special even though this is a sore subject for me to think or talk about so I probably won't get into detail with this one. I also wrote a fun little thirty facts about myself.
APRIL - The day finally came for Danny to leave to Vanuatu. He spent seven weeks doing research the islands over there for BYU. It turned out to be an unforgettable experience for him.
MAY - I spent Mother's Day quietly at home with just me and the three kids. It was hard but they made me feel special in their own little ways. Addie also had a little cousin princess date where she had a lot of fun.
JUNE - Danny returned from his research trip and we were excited to have him back. He was also gone for his birthday so I planned a surprise party for him a week after he was home and he didn't expect it at all.
JULY - Baby Bean turned ONE
AUGUST - My side of the family had a large family reunion at Bear Lake and then we continued our vacation and headed to Yellowstone. We had an awesome time. We also celebrated six years of marriage. I also officially met my biological cousin for the first time.
SEPTEMBER - Addisyn turned 5! She had a Pokemon themed birthday party and also started preschool at BYU.
OCTOBER - This year our annual family theme costume was Addie's idea and we dressed as The Incredibles. This month is also when our spontaneous trip happened to Salina where we had so much fun. Hudson also had a huge milestone happen when he decided to potty train himself.
NOVEMBER - We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Ferguson side of the family and enjoyed having family time.
DECEMBER - Hudson turned 3! He had a three rex party. We also celebrated Christmas by staying at home all day with three very sick kids.

In last year's review I said that I was looking forward to our family vacation to Bear Lake and Yellowstone, not being pregnant and reaching personal fitness goals. I also said I was excited for Danny to complete his first year of grad school, and for me to finish the Book of Mormon as well as study the New Testament. I can say we did all the things I was looking forward to. Vacation was fun, I was not pregnant and I did reach my personal fitness goals! We did not anticipate Danny having to leave for part of the summer but it turned out amazing and we're both so happy he was able to get this experience of a lifetime.

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This year I'm looking forward to hopefully moving to a different house. We still plan on staying in Provo but would like to be living with different circumstances (landlords and more space). As a family and individually we are studying the Book of Mormon again. I try to read and finish this book every year and have done so but this year will be special because it goes along with the Come Follow Me program. Danny will be traveling to London, California, Finland and Florida and I get to join him this summer when he goes to Finland! I am both very excited and very stressed for this trip. It will be fun to explore new places with him. I've never been to Europe and Danny and I have never flown together. We've gone on separate plane trips but never together so this will be a first. I'm also very stressed because I have never left the kids before. I don't even know who I fully trust to watch them so that will be a hard hurdle for me to overcome. We would also like to do a little mini trip somewhere close by with the children so that they can still get a little vacation break this year. I'm also looking to finally wean Grant and have him sleep trained so that it can be easier to leave him when the trip comes. Last year I said that I was looking forward to not being pregnant . . . well this year I'd be happy either way. Ideally I'd like to wait until after Finland but I feel ready for another spirit to join our family. Right after Grant was born I had a feeling where I just knew there would be at least one more. Danny just needs to decide if he's ready or not but even he feels like there is another one that needs to join us. Will that be this year? Who knows. Danny thinks it will be in three years haha. I guess we'll just have to see what this year holds for us. Either way I'm really looking forward to the memories that will be made this year. It's a start of a new decade and a start to a fresh beginning. I'm excited and happy.

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