Sunday, July 5, 2020

Fourth of July 2020

 Happy Independence Day!!

Although this year looks a little different two things are still the same. One is that my kids will take a sibling fourth of July picture because I'm their mom haha and two the fireworks are still going to go on. The second part does look different this year though because instead of there being a big Stadium of Fire concert that is all cancelled. They can't have large gatherings and all concerts nationwide aren't happening even on the days that aren't holidays. We weren't sure if they would even put on a firework show but they decided to do it even though there would be no audience in the stadium. Luckily for us we live right across from the stadium so we've always had the best seats in the house. Well, Danny actually would prefer not to be so close to the stadium but for this reason I do love it. In other years we've made sure to do a fun family activity during the day/early afternoon before we get stuck in our neighborhood because of the firework show but because of Covid there's not much out there to do. So we just stayed home and enjoyed our own company until it was time for the fireworks to start. My parents still came over this year and brought my grandma because we really do have the best view for fireworks so that tradition was kept alive. It's always a hit or miss if all three kids are going to be fans of the explosions and this year Addie wasn't really into them. They were far too loud and eventually she went inside the house where she watched from inside. It felt safer for her and even Hudson finally joined her. Hudson was tired and ready for bed but Grant was eating it all up. He loved all of the fireworks and sat on my lap almost the whole time. He thought they were so cool. The Fourth of July has always been one of my most favorite holidays so I really love it when I get to see the same joy on one of my kids' faces because of the excitement of it all.

A close up of Hudson because apparently at first glance it looks like Hudson is flipping off his middle finger but he's not. 😂

A throwback to one year ago 
because look at how 

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