Sunday, July 26, 2020

Beans is Two

My baby boy is two! 

All About Grant Year Two
Favorite Foods - Tacos, Black Bean Chicken, Bananas
Favorite Shows - Baby Shark, Bluey
Favorite Movies - N/A (He doesn't have one)
Favorite Book - Where's Baby's Belly Button
Favorite Songs - Popcorn Popping, Wheels On The Bus, Baby Shark
Favorite Toy - Disney Cars and his Garbage Truck Toy
He Can - Climb, Jump, Talk Nonstop, Sing, Dance
He Weighs - 22 lbs (6%)
He Stands - 34 in (31%)
Nicknames - Baby, Beans, Baby Beans, Granty Panty
Loves - Cars, Planes, Garbage Trucks, Bubbles
Dislikes - Sharing Mommy and Daddy
Favorite Game - Dancing
Link to All About Grant Year One

Grant is seriously such a fun kid to have around. He's always dancing, laughing and trying to make others smile. His favorite day of the week is Thursday because that's garbage day. He'll sit at the window until they come and when they come he gets sooooo excited. We usually watch from the front porch and the garbage men workers always make sure to wave back to him so it's extra adorable. To say he loves them is an understatement. Grant would also fit the definition of a sour patch kid because as fun as he is he can also be a little punk. I say that with love. He'll often shove Hudson or Addie just to show them that he's the boss around here and that he's my baby boy. If he sees me holding one of them he'll quickly try to dominate my lap, and he'll do whatever he needs to do to have me. It's a good thing he's so adorable and cute. He just needs to learn that sharing is caring. 😊

He woke up bright and early as if he knew today was his day. Just kidding that's not why he woke up. He just happens to wake up early every day but since it was his birthday that's okay. Addie and Hudson were really excited for Grant to open his presents and we had to thoroughly explain at least three or four times that these presents belong to Grant. He opened up a case of new Disney Cars which he loves and a pack of airplanes. We then gave him a play kitchen which turned out to be his favorite. Hopefully it gets a lot of play time even though it's not exactly the kitchen that Danny and I were hoping to get him. After his presents were opened and his breakfast was had I took him to his hair appointment. His hair had gotten considerably long so earlier on this birthday morning he went and got a haircut. He didn't like sitting in that car chair while his hair was getting chopped but even then he did so good. Grant was looking dapper and was ready for his little party.

I was planning on doing a Toy Story themed birthday with a banner that read "Two Infinity and Beyond" but Grant is all about baby shark (the song) right now and once I saw this little shark party idea I knew I had to do it. Toy Story would have been cute but Baby Shark just screams Grant right now. He's always singing it and wanting others to join in with the motions. Basically I love how much he loves it. So I found him a little tank that read 'Birthday Shark Two Two Two'. Instead of choosing to feed everyone like we've done in the past we made the time for the party to be after dinner so that people can come for just brownies and ice cream. Bless Danny's mom but she decided to bring dinner for everyone anyway and it was a little awkward because my parents were there and watched them eat. I was mildly annoyed but this evening was about Grant so let me get back to writing about him. Grant did pretty well opening up all his presents and was cute doing so. His favorite part of the night though came after presents were all opened and people were getting ready to leave, because that's when he got to ride in Jaina and Jackson's shark car. They happen to have a blue colored car with a little fin shaped antenna on the rear end of the roof and it makes their car look like a shark to both Grant and Hudson. It started because Hudson asked if he could go for a ride and then Grant really wanted to as well so Jaina and Jackson took the kids in the back of their car for a little ride in the neighborhood. The kids loved it. It's funny how something as simple as a car ride can feel so exciting to little kids when they use their imagination.

Grant I love you and I'm so glad we got to spend the whole day with you. You're still the best surprise of my life. Happy birthday Beans. 

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