Sunday, July 26, 2020

Second Birthday Letter to Baby Beans

Dear Grant,

You know what the best part about the European trip being cancelled is? It's that now we don't get to miss even a second of your second birthday. We would have been flying into Utah around noon on your day and I was feeling so much guilt over it. I tried to find the earliest flight possible so that I could spend as much of the day as I could with you. I know you wouldn't have known the difference and wouldn't even remember this day in years to come but I still wanted to do my best to be there. I'm glad it got cancelled so that there were no conflicts and I could fully celebrate our little boy. You are such a joy to have in our home. You're silly, brave, adventurous and so social. You also still like to cuddle which is awesome. You make us laugh daily which for a year that things seem to be going wrong a lot it's really needed. You love going for car rides now which is night and day difference from your baby days. You used to hate the car and would cry for most of the drive. Now you get sad if we leave the house without you because you want to join us for wherever it is we're doing. You're the best little pal. You can also be crazy mischievous too though. You know how to climb to get to what you want which would make you our first climber out of the three kids. You're always trying to get up high on the counter or you're stacking things up so that you can get to the top to look out the window better. We keep saying you're going to be our first kid to end up in the ER with some kind of injury because you're out daredevil kid. We now have to have the couch lined up against the wall because if it's in the place it's supposed to be you'll hang over the backside and do a front flip off it. At first I thought it was an accident but you've done it three or four times now it's only a matter of time before you get seriously hurt. So for the time being it has to be placed against a wall. Thanks for that haha. As crazy adventurous as you are it's still so much fun to follow you around. 

We found out the morning of your second birthday that you're going to be a big brother. It's a little bittersweet because to me you're my little baby boy and I worry how you'll transition to not being the youngest. You don't even like sharing me with the siblings you already have haha. You became a big cousin this past month though to baby Max and it's been cute seeing how gentile you are when you're around him so maybe this will be the same. All I know is that I'm going to do my best to make sure you always know you have a huge part of my heart and that will never change. I love you Beans and I hope you have the best year! 

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