Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Traditional Lights Drive

We completed the last tradition of the year by going to see the Festival Lights tonight in Spanish Fork. We do this every year during the week after Christmas Day but before New Year's Eve. It's our way of having one last Christmas hoorah before we feel like the season is officially over. The kids have always loved this place and this year is the first year where all of the kids were able to see everything because usually we have one kid who is facing backwards in their car seat. It hasn't been too long that we finally switched Grant around and he was really loving that he could see all the lights that his siblings could see. For some reason this year was particularly busy. I don't know if more people were looking for Covid free friendly activities to do this year but for the first time it didn't feel like we had the whole park to ourselves. There's usually some cars but never as many as there were tonight. As we were leaving we could see that there was a humongous line of cars still trying to get into the park. Hopefully this doesn't deter us from going again next year because it's a nice little tradition that we've been doing for several years now. The kids are all in bed now and all of them were really happy with how we spent our night. Any night of us out doing something as a family is usually a really great night. 

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