Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hip Dysplasia

Per protocol all breech babies are checked for risks of hip dysplasia. Since Rylee was breech she was first checked at two weeks old and then again at six weeks old and nine weeks old. At all of those appointments nothing seemed too serious but they didn't want to completely rule it out until she saw a specialist for it. So this week Rylee had two more appointments. She met with a pediatric orthopedist this Tuesday and thankfully he agreed after looking at her ultrasound images that all looked really good and so far no issues should come from her breech position. He did a couple stretches with her and gave her a good exam and it felt so good to hear that in his professional opinion she doesn't even have a mild form of  hip dysplasia. I was so thankful because of course I have spent the last week looking at babies online wearing full on hip and leg braces and it broke my heart thinking she might need some kind of brace assistance. Her hips look great and that makes me happy for her. She had another appointment today at the hospital that was scheduled before she even saw the pediatric specialist and those results were concluded in the same way, she's fine. She's going to be seen again between six and nine months and then probably at one year but after that she should be done with these hip appointments so hallelujah! She's only three months old and has already been seen five times as of today. The next two appointments are protocol appointments because it is possible for hip problems to manifest itself after six months but I'm feeling very good about her chances after this week that she'll remain healthy and if not then we'll tackle that hurdle together. :) 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Kindergarten Graduate!

I'm sitting here wondering if anyone has come up with a cure yet to stop kids from growing up. I can't believe Addie is now done with kindergarten! 

I got emotional this week just from the thought of her being gone longer hours next school year in first grade like a big kid eating actual big kid school lunches with other big kids who should all have stayed little by their mommies' sides. 

She had a pajama movie party day last Thursday and then a field trip to the science center on campus on Friday. She then continued the fun week on Saturday with a popsicle party at her classmate Rachel's house where all twenty kindergarteners were invited with their parents. She had so much fun and it was fun for me to be there observing her with the other little children. 


Addie and her friend Greta

Today she had her very last kindergarten school activity which was her end of year assessment. I watched her from the booth and even though I wasn't supposed to take any pictures I did sneak a few. This might be the last time we'll have someone in the BYU children's program unless Hudson moves up in the waiting list and gets offered a spot in their preschool program. We most likely won't be living here when he's in kindergarten and I want to remember her amazing classroom. I'll forever be grateful for BYU's preschool and kindergarten program especially when it comes to Addie. She had an amazing experience there these last two years and I'll be lucky if I can even find something half this great for the other four kids.

Addie with Ms. Amy
Addie I love you and I'm so proud of you. Let's have the greatest summer ever. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Who's Who Detective Work

I was looking back at this picture and could not figure out who it was. I didn't know if it was Quinn or if it was Rylee. Danny was leaning towards Rylee and I wasn't sure but was leaning towards Quinn. Together we did some detective work and have figured out that it's actually Quinn. I thought it was funny and wanted to document this picture here.

Here's the picture in question.

I then did an online poll to get an idea of what others thought. It was split evenly down the middle.
My next move was to then look at the time that this picture was taken and check their feeding data because I keep a really good log of how long they both eat and at what time I feed them. I saw that this picture was taken at 5pm and according to my log I had fed Quinn about twenty minutes before. So was this of Quinn after her being fed or did I already place her down and now I was snuggling Rylee? A lot can happen in twenty minutes with two babies.

The deciding factor was discovered by Danny. He zoomed in on the picture and saw a little goop in the corner of the eye and we immediately knew that it was Quinn. She had gone through a short phase of having a goopy eye and we pointed it out at the time of how much she reminded us of Hudson. He also had the same eye problems and Rylee never did. So all this just to say that this picture is definitely of sweet little Quinn.

How To Tell The Twins Apart

I finally made a video that I have been wanting to make for awhile. I often get asked from others on how we tell the twins apart. There are a couple of things we look for. One is that Quinn's head has always been a rounder shape while Rylee's is more narrow. This could be from their positioning inside the womb and will most likely look more and more alike as they get bigger. When newborns Quinn was also more tan than Rylee which was also helpful however they're the same shade now. I also try to dress them in certain colors but we're not perfect with that so we aren't 100% consistent which we find can get really confusing when looking back at pictures that we aren't sure of. For the most part though Rylee is dressed in pink and Quinn is in white. If they are matching that day then we try to put a lighter color headband on Quinn and a darker shade on Rylee. This first started when Quinn was tanner than Rylee and looked really good in white so that kind of stuck. When all else fails there's a for sure sign on how to tell the twins apart. God must have known we would need the added reassurance on who was who so Rylee was born with a skin tag on her right ear. It will be removed around the age of two so everyone has until then to really figure it out. I can confidently say that now at almost three months I can look at them and know who is who without having to turn their heads to get a good look at their ears. 😁

Monday, May 17, 2021

My Little Twin

Those big dark eyes. That messy morning bed hair. That backpack full of his favorite toys that he insisted on having right on his pillow all night...... I want to remember all of this. I love you Grant Alexander. 

Also this picture made me even more sure that Grant is my mini me. He's my little twin in a boy version. His eyes and that thick head of hair? Definitely traits from his mama. 😁

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Double Blessing

Double blessings for our double blessings. 💕 Rylee and Quinn were given two very beautiful blessings today and the love and support shows towards these two girls meant everything. We feel immensely grateful to have these sweet babies in our lives and will forever thank Heavenly Father for sending them together. 

Rylee on left, Quinn on right

Aria and Grant

Quinn on the left, Rylee on the right

Rylee with her namesake

Quinn with her namesake