Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

I never would have guessed that motherhood for me would look like this. FIVE kids in SIX years! I love that this is my life and each one of them is mine. 💜💙💚💛🤍

This might have been the first Mother's Day in several years where we spent it just being at home and it was the best. We've focused a lot of our past Mother's Day on the kids' grandmothers but this time it was all for me and it felt so nice. We didn't leave or go anywhere and that has never happened before. Addie was excited to gift me with a hat she had made at school and Danny recorded to the traditional Mother's Day interview videos that I so very much love. We all cuddled on the couch together and watched all their videos. I hope this tradition carries on for as long as possible because it will be a sad day when they won't want to do it anymore.

I also decided to treat myself this year and ordered a custom necklace with all five of my babies' names on it. Along with the necklace I also ordered some picture frames to finally get our pictures up on our walls. We've lived here about six months or so and still haven't put up any of our family pictures. I'm really excited to have their pictures displayed where I'll see it everyday. We didn't take family pictures with Danny and I included when we did the newborn shoot but I love how each of the kids' turned out so I'm choosing those pictures until we get updated full family photos later this year.


I love being a mom even with all the challenges that come from being one. Addie is almost done with kindergarten and will be gone all day in first grade this fall and we're looking at different preschool options for Hudson. Grant is growing up so fast that he can keep up fairly well with his older two siblings and the babies aren't little skinny preemies anymore. :( Everyone is growing up so fast and it's very bittersweet because part of me wants them to stay little forever while the other part of me is excited for them to fully find themselves. I have some pretty awesome kids and I'm lucky that I get to live this life being their mom.


One of my favorite parts from today were all these grins from Quinn 😍

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