Monday, May 24, 2021

Kindergarten Graduate!

I'm sitting here wondering if anyone has come up with a cure yet to stop kids from growing up. I can't believe Addie is now done with kindergarten! 

I got emotional this week just from the thought of her being gone longer hours next school year in first grade like a big kid eating actual big kid school lunches with other big kids who should all have stayed little by their mommies' sides. 

She had a pajama movie party day last Thursday and then a field trip to the science center on campus on Friday. She then continued the fun week on Saturday with a popsicle party at her classmate Rachel's house where all twenty kindergarteners were invited with their parents. She had so much fun and it was fun for me to be there observing her with the other little children. 


Addie and her friend Greta

Today she had her very last kindergarten school activity which was her end of year assessment. I watched her from the booth and even though I wasn't supposed to take any pictures I did sneak a few. This might be the last time we'll have someone in the BYU children's program unless Hudson moves up in the waiting list and gets offered a spot in their preschool program. We most likely won't be living here when he's in kindergarten and I want to remember her amazing classroom. I'll forever be grateful for BYU's preschool and kindergarten program especially when it comes to Addie. She had an amazing experience there these last two years and I'll be lucky if I can even find something half this great for the other four kids.

Addie with Ms. Amy
Addie I love you and I'm so proud of you. Let's have the greatest summer ever. 

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