Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Movie Day with Mom

Yesterday I saw an ad online from Cinemark about their kid movies that they show every Wednesday throughout the summer and I thought it would be a fun outing to take the three older ones to the theater with me. At first I considered all seven of us but Danny suggested that I just go while he works from home and the babies could still take their morning nap. I'm glad he was okay with that because the four of us that went had so much fun. After getting the okay yesterday I bought the tickets and was so excited to take the kids today. It was the first time for the boys to ever be in a movie theater. Addie has gone two other times with just me and one time with her dad but the boys had never been. Now that things are opening up since the pandemic shutdowns I thought it would a nice exciting outing for all three of them. I'm sure they were also so excited to just be out of the house which hasn't happened a lot in the last year with the pandemic, high risk pregnancy and now the current newborn stage we're still in. The kid movie of the week was Angry Birds 2. We have never seen the first one or even seen any previews for this second one so we were all in the same boat as far as going in with zero knowledge on the movie or it's storyline and it turned out to be a cute show. It kept all of their attention for the whole time and it didn't even matter that we hadn't watched the first one. It was so fun to be in an almost empty theater room with my kids as they laughed at all the funny scenes. It was a really fun mom moment for me because just five months ago I would have been really nervous to take three young kids out by myself to an activity that would require them to sit still for the whole time but today it all felt so easy. Funny how each time you add a baby to the family the previous number of kids suddenly feels manageable. I remember when two was hard and then when we jumped to three kids two felt like nothing. Maybe it's also the fact that this time we went from three to five but now I feel like I can do anything with three kids with no problems. Except for swimming haha. I definitely am not ready to tackle that just yet. Next on our to do list is going to have to be swim lesson sign ups. Anyway today was a great outing. I ended it by stopping at Burger King on the way home for lunch. I know that this summer isn't full of back to back activities so I'm grateful for the days every now and then where we do go out and try to do something extra fun. :)

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