Sunday, July 25, 2021

Third Birthday Letter to Grant Bean

Dear Grant,

You are the definition of a mama's boy and I absolutely love it. You want to be by my side constantly and I fully embrace it. You're still my sweet spunky baby boy and you're rocking being a big brother. You're so careful around your baby sisters and you're able to keep up with the older two. You know exactly which buttons to push when it comes to Addie and Hudson but you also know when to dial back and not take it too far. You're like a hilarious sour patch kid haha. You have moments being sour and yet you can turn on your charm in an instant and turn into such a sweet boy. Funny thing is that you choose to only be sweet with me. None of your shenanigans are ever towards me because in your words I'm your best friend. Grant Bean do you want to know something? You're one of my best friends too. I love you so much and can't imagine my life without you in it. I need you. I need your tight hugs, infectious giggles and never ending conversations. I'm so lucky to be your mom and I'll never take it for granted. 

This next school year we're going to have a lot more one on one time with the babies napping and the other two in school. I can't wait because it will truly be a special time. I love you and can't wait to watch you grow even more as a three year old. Happy birthday G!



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