Saturday, February 26, 2022

First Birthday Letter to Rylee Girl

Dear Rylee,

Rylee Girl! You're a whole year old! I love you so much. You have been so much fun. You sometimes remind me of baby Addie and I can't wait to watch you continue to grow. You're very curious and not really scared of much so far. Except maybe walking on your own. You have been walking along furniture and with your push toy for months now and you can stand unassisted like a pro but when it comes to walking with no help you are a little hesitant. That's okay though! I'm not in a huge rush for that milestone anyway.

I wish I could just bottle your cute little self up and keep this season of life longer but I know I can't. You love people and everyone loves you right back. You don't seem to have a favorite between your dad and I and you're content in anyone's arms. Truthfully if you could choose you'd rather wander and explore way more than to just sit still. I should put a little bell on you to keep better track because one minute you're right next to me and the next you're off exploring a different room. We have to have the door leading upstairs closed at all times because the second you see it open you rush there to climb the stairs. You love it so much. You also LOVE music. You'll drop whatever toy you're holding so you can dance. It's hilarious and adorable. Just like you.

You and Quinn go back and forth on who seems to be the more take charge dominate twin. It used to be her but currently it's definitely you. You both are so much fun to watch. I don't know what we would do with out you. Thank you for being in our family. Happy birthday Rylee Girl!




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