Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Officially Strep

It's official. The kids have dealt with strep throat. As far as I've heard Dave, Donna and Georgia have been okay so that's good because I would hate for them to get sick after hanging out with us during spring break. Knowing for sure that the kids did have strep though did in face ease my worries a bit. I was feeling unsure when we first got the prescription for Hudson after he had tested negative for strep. I was really confused and I was questioning myself if he even needed to take an antibiotic especially since he had made zero complaints about his throat hurting and had no issues eating his food until that morning that we left on our vacation. He had complained about his stomach hurting and in all my years I had never heard of that being a symptom for strep throat. Never, until that morning that we took Hudson into urgent care thinking it could be for something seriously worse.

Grant ended up getting sick during our trip on the last full day in our timeshare and it only lasted a couple of hours. He had a slight fever and was feeling so hot, but no complaints of this throat and he also was able to eat just fine. Also no complaints of stomach pain at all. It was really weird how short lived that whole thing was but we're also very grateful with how fast that was.

Then Quinn got sick the day after everyone else flew back home to Utah. It was St. Patrick's day and she was not acting like herself at all. She wasn't eating anything and only wanted to be held. She had a fever with a temp of 102°. By the next night (Saturday) we took her in because her temperature was still staying at 102° and we couldn't get it to go back down. It was the same urgent care that we had taken Hudson to earlier in the week and it was the same doctor who he had seen. He remembered me and asked for an update on Hudson. He looked into Quinn's throat and said that it looked just like Hudson's had and he said it would for sure be strep throat. He said he's seen so many strep cases in the last little while. I guess it's been a crazy time for strep. They tested her and that test came back negative. By this point I was really confused. I told myself that Hudson's possibly came up negative because it was day four and it just probably didn't pick up since it was the tail end of it but that excuse wouldn't work for Quinn because we brought her in on the second day of feeling sick. It should have been positive right? The doctor said we were going to move forward by treating her as if it was positive and prescribed her an antibiotic. By this point I was really caught up in all my inner thoughts of confusion and worry. I hate not being certain if I'm doing something right and sometimes I don't trust my gut feelings. I didn't know if she had strep or not because I didn't even think that Hudson had it to begin with. We went ahead and gave her the first dose that night though all while I was struggling with not knowing if I was doing the right thing or not.

10pm on March 19th and we kept having to go and help little Q feel better with snuggles. She had a really hard time sleeping that night.

The twins had their two year checkup scheduled for today (Tuesday March 21st) so I figured I would treat Quinn as the urgent care doctor advised but get a second opinion from their actual pediatric's office. They looked at Quinn and confirmed that her throat did look like strep which was assuring because she was being treated for that. Then they looked at Rylee's and said that hers was starting to look red as well. They tested her throat and that test came back positive. Finally! A positive test. I felt bad for her and wasn't happy that she had it but all the worries of 'do they have it?' finally washed away and I felt better about treating them for something they had tested negative for. Rylee was in the very beginning stage of it. It's kind of odd that Hudson got a negative four days into, Quinn got a negative two days into and Rylee got a positive with zero signs of it. Rylee hasn't shown any signs at all that she was getting sick. I'm prepared now that I know she's next and there will be plenty of cuddles to go around for the next few days. 

Strep we're going to kick your butt. I'm just hoping that Addie isn't next. She has her first soccer game this weekend and we need her to stay healthy. We need everyone to stay or get healthy because it's also my birthday this weekend and we definitely have plans to get out and do something fun.

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