Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pumpkins In The South

 What people don't tell you about pumpkins in the south,
they don't last. 👀
You won't find those cute pumpkin filled porches here. 👎

Friday, October 27, 2023

2023 Family Halloween Theme

We're all pretty excited about this year's theme. Harry Potter has been on our list for years and it was really close to being done last year but we decided to save it for another year so the twins could be the slinky dog. I'm glad we finally did it because the kids all look incredible. Hudson especially has waited all year for us to do this. It's so funny and fitting at how similar the three older kids are to their characters. Addie is definitely a Hermione Granger. She's incredibly smart and likes to follow the rules. She's also often found keeping the two boys in line. Hudson is Harry Potter. If his hair was just a tad longer he'd even resemble Harry in looks. He does well in school and is so friendly to everyone. Although unlike Harry, trouble doesn't usually find Hudson. Grant is Ron Weasley. He's the funny one. The one that sticks closely to those he loves. Rylee and Quinn can't really be described as Dobby or Hedwig but they do make the CUTEST little house elf and owl that I have ever seen. 

He had a hard time not cracking up with laughter. I had to keep this picture haha.

I was looking back at previous costumes and I think it's so cool that our oldest girl and two boys have been perfect for several of our themes. The first time we noticed it was for The Incredibles. Even the order of their ages was perfect. Violet as the older sister, then Dash as the middle boy followed by baby Jack Jack. Grant was just one years old when we did that theme. We noticed it again last year when we did Toy Story. They were perfect for the trio of Jessie, Woody and Buzz. I also did a few different costumes in the mini series where the trio was perfect for Tool Time, Mario, Peach and Luigi, and Cruella, Jasper and Horace. The twins were the Dalmatians for the Cruella one. Good thing the twins don't care if right now they are the side characters haha. Next year we're leaning towards Marvel Superheroes. The kids are already talking about which superhero they want to be. 😁

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

"Are You So Proud of Me?"

A couple of months ago while I was out having a girl's night Grant learned how to ride a bike. We've been so busy lately that we haven't really gotten all the bikes out in awhile and I haven't been able to watch Grant show me his new skill. He was a little nervous because he had been several weeks since he first learned how and he was afraid that he'd forgotten. He's also small so getting off the bike is a little scary for him. We need to do some adjusting to get the bike more on his size level but I was excited to see him get on it tonight. Danny regrets that this first time wasn't filmed because that memory for him is priceless. He said that once Grant realized he was riding with no help his eyes got so big with pure excitement and he started shouting "I'm doing it!" over and over. I wish I was there for that moment but this was also pretty special. He needed help stopping tonight but Grant Beans 'you're doing it'. I love you so much. In the video he asks "are you so proud of me?" Yes buddy, we sure are. Even if you couldn't ride a bike we still would be.

Quinn then begged for a turn. In her mind if Grant can do it then she can too.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Pumpkins and Jeeps

Last night we were invited by some good friends to join them after church for dinner and pumpkin carving. It went really well. My favorite part about the whole night was that we spent it with three other families who are all in the same boat as us. None of us have our families around and it was awesome to create core memories for our kids with some really awesome people. I'm also really getting used to having such nice weather around this time of year. It finally feels bearable to be outside. It's also nice to not have to worry about big messes indoors because we were able to do this all outside. Growing up in Utah, I won't take this for granted.

We arrived with three sleeping kiddos.
Addie carved this pumpkin completely by herself.
Grant and the twins painted instead of carved.
Grant's painted pumpkin
Daddy's carved pumpkin
Hudson was more interested in playing than carving so his pumpkin was started but never finished. He has no regrets. He had the best time with his favorite friend from church.
Our friend's house where we carved out pumpkins was decorated in the coolest way with so many skeletons. Halloween decorating goals for sure.
We got home just in time to see the Jeepers Creepers parade. We barely made it by a minute. As the kids were getting out of the van these jeeps started making their way down our street. They had no idea it was going to happen and I honestly forgot all about it myself. I just figured we wouldn't be home in time for it all so I never told the kids about it. Turns out that they were really running behind so we ended up seeing it after all. It was a cool end to a great night.