Saturday, October 14, 2023

Annular Eclipse

The Annular Eclipse was today. I'll be honest, I'm not really knowledgable when it comes to these events. Everyone else seemed to think it was a really huge deal though and people were even traveling to this part of Texas to get a clearer view of the 'Ring of Fire'. We just happened to be lucky that we're near enough San Antonio we can just stay home and see it. Someone who is very much into this is Grandma Donna. Next April there is apparently a Total Eclipse which is where the sun is completely covered by the moon instead of just almost covered by the moon and she's looking into being here for it because Texas will again be the hotspot for it. Hotel prices are already showing over a thousand dollars a night in San Antonio the week of the Total Eclipse which is insane because we're still six months away from that. Like I said, I guess it's a really big deal. Anyway I should have known that these eclipses are pretty cool just based on the fact that you could not find these solar eclipse glasses anywhere. They were all sold out. When Grandma called to make sure that we had glasses ourselves I had to tell her that we didn't have any but not to worry because I would get some 😬. She looked into overnighting them to us but it wasn't available for New Braunfels so there was that. Danny also looked around and couldn't find any so we just accepted the fact that we wouldn't have any for this time around. Anyway, this morning while I was at Addie's soccer game our neighbor and good friend just handed me a pair of solar glasses. She had a bunch herself and said it was an extra. That worked out great for us because we didn't have any. So in the end we were able to see the Annular Eclipse after all. Honestly my favorite part of the entire thing was that our next door neighbors were hosting a garage sale that was attracting quite a few of our other neighbors and not one person could find a pair of these glasses for themselves so we shared with everyone who happened to be outside on our street. We passed those glasses between everyone and that made the experience even better. Also it turns out that the light through the leaves was leaving an eclipse impression in the shadows which was also really cool. While the glasses were being passed we could just look down at the shadows to see the current phase of the moon over the sun. I wasn't sure if I was going to document any of this mostly because it shows how naive I might be about this whole thing; but just in case any one ever asks where we were during the great Ring of Fire Annular Eclipse over Texas on October 14, 2023 I can now prove that we did see it. It might have been by pure luck of running into someone who happened to have an extra pair but because of that we did look at the sun haha. Also, I have no need to worry about the one in April because since that phone call Grandma has already ordered enough glasses to cover all of South Central Texas. That might be an exaggeration, but only a slight one. 😁

My phone's measly attempt to capture any of it.
Three pictures that our friends captured. Puts my little phone pictures to shame haha.

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