Friday, July 12, 2024

We're Here!

We're Here!

After driving through nine states and an unexpected delay in one of those we got here! It was a day later than we planned but we're so excited for this adventure. We've been here a couple days now and we're getting settled in our new place but so far we love it. I came across a quote recently that read "The richness of life depends on how well you can flow with change." It stuck with me as we were preparing for this life change and honestly has got me excited for new opportunities and memories we'll be able to create. North Dakota we're excited to see what you're all about. Although the lack of bison I just assumed would be everywhere was a little bit of a let down haha. That's my fault for assuming though. 😁

This was unintentional but kind of funny how the girls happened to be wearing green and yellow which are the colors for NDSU (the green is off but still).

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