Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Year Review

2017 was a bit of a roller coaster for me. We had amazing highs but I also hit some personal lows. I'm trying to look at it through Addie's eyes though and she would think that 2017 was amazing! We did a lot of swimming, almost daily playdates with Georgia, we went to Disneyland and she got to meet Minnie Mouse, she got to ride a bus (she was so excited about that), started dance classes, she was potty trained and wears underwear like her big cousin Aria, got to steer a boat, lots of visits with Grandma Great, picked out pet fish, wore her Halloween costume for a week straight, was so spoiled for Christmas by her relatives, got to talk to Jaina on Christmas morning and she stayed up later than usual on New Year's Eve. She had a pretty good year. I'm not sure what Hudson would feel. He was on and off sick for the first seven months of his life, was constantly in the ER to get his airways suctioned, had RSV/Bronchiolitis, still is not consistent with sleeping through the night, had severe tear duct issues that almost resulted in surgery, had a staph infection that would've put any other kid in the hospital, and currently has an umbilical hernia. However, in spite of all this he still smiles through it all! So maybe he'd think it was a good year? I don't know. But for me as a mom it was a little rough. Only a little though, because it was also REALLY good. The biggest highlights would be Danny's graduation, our family vacation to Southern California and our surprise of expecting another baby. 
JANUARY - We started out the year with Hudson's baby blessing. He was well supported and we had a nice gathering at Grandma Great's after.
FEBRUARY - Hudson was hospitilized for RSV/Bronchiolitis and it was the saddest thing ever. I also gifted Danny with one of my biggest projects ever for him for Valentine's Day. 
MARCH - My birthday month! It was also the first time that Hudson was well enough to get out of the house to enjoy the sun.
APRIL - Addie is at a fun age where holidays are so exciting to her. She loved celebrating Easter with the family. Hudson made sure to make it memorable by having a blowout in his Easter outfit.
MAY - Danny graduated from UVU!! We are still so proud of him! We also experienced our first Lantern Fest and Jaina left on her mission.
JUNE - Danny's birthday month and Father's Day! He spent a week in Portland, OR presenting at a conference and I missed him like crazy. We did get to enjoy a private night at the zoo before he left though.
JULY - We went to the 4th of July Provo Parade for the first time as a family and both kids loved it! We also spent the 24th at the old family cabin
AUGUST - Lake Day with the Fergusons! Danny and I also celebrated four years of marriage and Addie started dance classes.
SEPTEMBER - Addisyn turned 3! I've learned that three is my new favorite age! We also went to Southern California and it was a vacation that will be hard to beat!
OCTOBER - We finally fulfilled my dream and dressed up as characters from Aladdin. It was a crowd pleaser and turned out so good.
NOVEMBER - My parents came home from their mission and I was pregnant at the time but didn't know until the day before Thanksgiving.
DECEMBER - Hudson turned one!

In last year's review I said that I was looking forward to Danny's graduation, his applications to grad school, read the Book of Mormon as a family and individually, potty training Addie, Hudson reaching milestones, Danny going to Portland and our trip to California. Almost every one of those has happened. We did not finish the Book of Mormon as a couple but we did get pretty far. It is hard to read full chapters with little ones so many nights we counted just a few verses. I did finish it individually though and Danny did as well. I also decided to read Doctrine and Covenants and was able to finish it yesterday on New Year's Eve. Danny had a personal goal of reading thirty books and he surpassed it by reading 49! Hudson has technically reached all milestones. He knows how to walk and will walk short distances but if it's more than four feet away he prefers to crawl. He can crawl so fast but we're looking forward to him just using his feet to get around instead of getting his knees all dirty.
*     *     *

This year I'm looking forward to hearing back about Danny's grad school programs, updating our vehicle to a family van, figuring out where we will be living this fall and welcoming our new baby into the family. I plan on reading the Old Testament. Also Jon is planning on leaving on his mission and Jaina comes home from hers! I'm excited to see her and Addie reunite. I would also really like to fit in one little trip before the baby is born, even if it's just to Vernal, UT. It isn't a must but it would be nice. Here's to 2018!

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