Saturday, December 30, 2017

It Will Be Hard But Better

We told our family's at our Christmas celebrations and letting people know has actually really helped us with the shock we've been in. The timing of having another baby is still a little stressful but we wholeheartedly know that this was meant to be and that is definitely helping us change our tune. The reason we've been stressed is because of the phase of life we're in. You see we don't even know where we will be living this August. We found out about the baby just days before a very stressful test that Danny needed to take. It was his last chance to take the GRE to get the score he wanted before submitting all his applications for grad school. Thankfully he got the exact score he was hoping for so we've already seen the first great blessing since that pregnancy test. He was able to send in his applications and now the next step is to wait. We should know in the next few months if and where he'll be accepted. He has applied to eleven programs total and only three are in Utah.

  • BYU - Masters in Geology
  • BYU - PHD in Biology
  • U of U - PHD in Biology
  • University of Texas at Austin - Masters in Geo science 
  • University of Chicago - Evolutionary Biology
  • UC Berkeley - PHD in Biology
  • University of Illinois - Masters in Animal Biology
  • University of New Mexico - Masters in Biology
  • Ohio University - PHD in Biology
  • Montana State University - Masters in Paleontology
  • South Dakota School of Technology and Mines - Masters in Paleotology

2018 will be a year of changes for our family and it seems to all start in August. We'll have a new baby and hopefully a new program for Danny. We will still be seeing changes if we stay here in Utah because another one of our stresses is trying to figure out room for a third baby. As of right now we don't have room for another crib and we definitely don't have room for another car seat. We will have to figure out some arrangements in our home and moving to bigger space is a possibility. That however isn't a must. Danny's cousin Mary who used to live in this place managed to be here with five kids so we do know that it's possible to be here with three. What is a must though is getting a bigger vehicle. We will have three kids in three car seats. I was actually thinking the other day that when this baby is born Addie won't be four yet so we will have three kids ages three and under. It will all work out. I keep having to tell myself that. :) 2018 will be hard but it will also be better. 

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