Friday, October 26, 2018

Donald by Day, Dino by Night

When I was pregnant with Hudson one of my best friends (Alyssa) gave me bags and bags of clothes that her little boys had grown out of. One of the outfits was a Donald Duck costume. I was pretty excited to use it and I set it aside so that I wouldn't forget about it. Despite my intentions I did forget. By the time I grabbed it to put it on Hudson I sadly found out that he had outgrown that size. He was a pretty chunky baby so the window of even fitting into this costume was short and I missed it. I made sure not to forget again and this time Grant got to wear it. It was even more adorable than I imagined it would be. If he wasn't already being a dinosaur for Halloween I would have highly considered basing the rest of the family costumes around him because he is so cute. For Grant's first Halloween he's going to have two costumes. He'll be Donald by day and a dino by night. With me as his mom it just makes sense that I go overboard on costumes. I mean if he is my last baby I might as well take full advantage. :)
And look at this little dinosaur!! I LOVE him!!

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