Monday, October 1, 2018

Addie Is Four!!

We have a four year old!

All About Addie Year Four

Favorite Foods: Her favorite foods have not changed at all from year three. She still loves her pizza, Mac 'n Cheese, Chicken Nuggets, Quesadillas, Spaghetti and fruit. She is finally starting to experiment new foods though so hopefully we can find some new favorites.
Favorite Shows: PJ Masks, Super Monsters
Favorite Songs: Be What I Believe by Blake Gillette. She knows every single word.
Favorite Movies: Emperor's New Groove, The Incredibles
Favorite Toy: She's super into games. She loves Monopoly, Go Fish, and Five Seconds.
Favorite Books: This Is How I Say Goodnight
She Can: Count to 40, tell you her dad's phone number by heart and trace her letters and numbers.
She Weighs: 34 lbs. (46%)
She Stands: 40 in (73%)
She Loves: Baby Grant, Playing on the Phone, Pink, Purple, PJ Masks, Balloons, Card and Board Games, Bird Watching, Tomatoes Straight from the Garden, Her Bunk Bed, Preschool, Grandma Great, Banana Chocolate Shakes and the Tablet.
She Dislikes: Losing Screen Time, Time Outs, Missing Church, Sharing her Favorite Toys, Balloons Popping (is terrified of it) and the Dentist.

* Links to other All About Addie Posts at the bottom.

Addie has been so excited for her birthday to finally arrive. She's been talking about her Owlette party for awhile now, and what she didn't know was that she was getting an Owlette birthday cake made for her. It turned out amazing! I reached out to someone who lives in our old ward boundaries when we were in Orem and she did not disappoint. It even tasted great too and I'm not much of a cake person to begin with. I was nervous she wasn't going to sleep at all the night before since she has a history of being to excited to sleep for other events in the past but she did great! She even went to bed earlier so her birthday would get here faster. I can't believe this girl is four. I love her so much even though she can drive everyone crazy. She used to be a major daddy's girl but she's become all mine this year and I love it. I often look at her and can't help but admire our similarities. Both in looks and in actions. She's still gets her stubbornness from her dad for sure though. Addie and I get one on one time every day while her brothers both take naps and it's been really good for us. I think we both need it.

Her birthday was on a Sunday this year and it was also Grant's baby blessing day. She loves church so much that we decided to stay for all three hours for her instead of heading home after the blessing like we have done for the other blessings. She got to go up on the primary stage to be sung to and she was pretty happy about that. Grandpa and Grandma Rueckert as well as Great Grandma Rueckert also stayed for all the church meetings and then met us at home to open presents with Addie Rae. The present she was looking most forward to this year was her Snuggle Marshall. She had asked for it for her third birthday but didn't get it and then asked for it again for Christmas but once again we failed her with that. Luckily she blamed that one on Santa and said "It's okay, I'll get it on my next birthday". A whole year went by and she did not forget what was at the top of her list and Danny and I made sure that we would also not forgot to get her that toy. We came through for her this year and she's one happy girl.

After my parents and grandma left Addie changed her clothes and both boys went down for a nap. While they napped Danny and I played her new game (Trouble) with her and then we got ready to head to her birthday party in Mapleton. She loved the evening and was excited to see her new Owlette costume that Marie bought her. She even ate her cake while wearing the dressup and didn't take it off until later at bedtime that night. Overall it was a great day and we're glad she's our girl.
Four generation picture on her fourth birthday.
Past Birthday Links:
All About Addie Year Three
All About Addie Year Two
All About Addie Year One

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