Monday, October 1, 2018

Fourth Birthday Letter To Addie Rae

Dear Addie,

You are now a four year old! I still remember holding you for the first time and how in that moment I just wanted to be the best mom to you. I don't think I'm the best but I hope to still be. At least the best for you. I got to say age three was a tough year for both of us to navigate. There were moments where we definitely butted heads but you still tell me you love me every single night. Thank you for that. We have a little routine that we do at the end of each day where I tell you "you're beautiful, smart and strong". I want those affirmations to be some of the last things you hear and think about each night before you close your eyes. You've started telling me those same three things and it's nice hearing them come from such a young person but with such an old soul. You also make me say "I love myself" and then I have to give myself a big hug. It's super cute because you do it too.

Addie you are so smart. You always have been but it still amazes me the things you are able to easily pick up. You know Dad's phone number by heart after just hearing it two times. I don't know a lot of little three year olds who can do that. Your memorization skills are incredible. You can count to forty smoothly and you love playing games. Your favorite is Monopoly. I often have to remind myself your real age because you just seem so grownup and ahead of your years. I think that's why when tantrums happen it's frustrating because we forget that you were only three years old and still a young child.

Yes you are strong willed and persistent but these are amazing qualities when it comes to being a leader and you definetly are one. Please don't ever change your personality because one day you are going to be so powerful and I cannot wait to see what you do with the path life leads you.

You're one of my best friends and I'm excited for this year ahead of you. Happy fourth birthday Addie Boo. I love you with all my heart.


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