Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Miracle

Christmas has come and gone and it was such a great day. We had so much fun with the kids as they opened their gifts from us and from Santa. It was really nice having it just be our nice little family without having to rush anywhere until noon. We knew it was going to be a busy day because Jon was calling home from his mission around noon and then we had presents opening with Danny's family as well as the traditional Classic Skating tradition with all of the Fergusons' in the evening.

We have continued our tradition of buying gifts that fit into the following categories:

Something they want
Something they need
Something to wear
Something to read
Santa Gift

We have done this since our first Christmas as parents and it has been so nice to not have to worry about numbers or fairness because this simplifies gift giving for us and takes that stress away. Not only do we use this as a guide for each child but we also do it for Danny and myself. 
After our morning at home we headed to Mapleton and were able to talk to Jon. He had already started his video call when we walked in and he looked as happy as ever. He's doing great as a missionary. Before closing out his call he had us gather all of the grandchildren so that he could bare his testimony to everyone. It's really cool to see such spiritual growth in him. 
We opened up presents and then decided to rush home so that we could squeeze in a nap for Hudson before continuing the Ferguson festivities at Classic Skating. Grandpa Great isn't doing great health wise and believes that this will be his last night on earth. He was too weak and wasn't able to leave his house so he wasn't there and his absence was sure felt. At one point Grandma Great showed up and asked that all of her children gather at her house for one last father's blessing. As much as we'd love for Grandpa Great to continue living we know that he's mentally, physically and spiritually ready to enter the next stage of God's plan. Christmas was yesterday and he did indeed live through the night.
There is also something else that I feel like I should document because I don't want to forget it. I don't know if it should be a post of its own but for now it will most likely just remain a little paragraph here. On December 23rd we were on our way to Mapleton for a Christmas party when we got a call from our bishop. He wanted to know if we were home and told us he was on his way over. We were pretty confused because we thought that was a weird way to extend a calling to us. However what he had for us was not a calling. He handed us an envelope and told us that a family in the ward reached out to him and wanted him to hand us their gift to us. We humbly thanked him and after telling him Merry Christmas we opened up the envelope in our kitchen. Inside was cash. Some amazing Christlike family who wished to remain anonymous had thought of us. Danny and I have been in our ward for a little over five months now and we still can't say that we know a lot of members that well. We do know a few but we have absolutely no idea who this generous person could be. I am thankful though that there are people out there willing to follow promptings and provide such a service for others. Danny and I would love to pay it forward by doing something similar to this when we are able in the future. I hope I never forget this kind act of love that was shown towards me and my family this Christmas.

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