Monday, December 3, 2018

Second Birthday Letter To Huddy D

Dear Hudson,

Happy birthday buddy! You are the sweetest little boy I know and I love being your mom. You are always giving hugs and kisses and they are the best! You used to be a complete mama's boy and I kind of miss it. If I was out running errands by myself and I called home your dad would have to take me off speaker phone because if you even heard my voice you would get very sad until I returned to you. I love the way you make me feel as your parent. Lately you've made the switch from mama's boy to a full blown daddy's boy but it's okay because I'll win you back. :) 

You are a super cuddly boy which I love and your favorite thing in the world is to be held while being read a book. You LOVE books! Especially dinosaur books. Whenever you leave the room and are gone for awhile it is always because you have gone to read some books by yourself. You're hardly ever getting into trouble. You do however love to run which means that we always have to make sure your hand is being held or you'll take off. Your run receives comments from every single person who sees it. It's hard to explain but you run on your tippy toes and it's the cutest funniest thing ever. You prefer running over walking so we get to enjoy it a lot. 

This year you became a big brother. I was a little worried how you would handle it because you were still my little baby. You've done pretty good so far. You don't really have much of an opinion about having a little brother at this point. You're not over the top obsessed with him like Addie is but you also don't dislike him either. You kind of acknowledge him when you want to and ignore him for the most part. I can't wait though to watch your relationship with him strengthen as you both grow older. Hudson I love you with all my heart and I'm so glad I get to be on the other end of your sweet smiles every day. Happy golden birthday Huddy buddy.


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