Monday, December 3, 2018

Hudson's Golden Birthday!

Hudson is two years old! This was also his golden birthday! He won't remember it but it was still worth celebrating it.

All About Hudson Year Two

Favorite Foods - Tacos, Rice, Pizza, Tomatoes, All Fruit, Veggies
Favorite Shows - PJ Masks and Paw Patrol
Favorite Movies - The Incredibles, Room On The Broom
Favorite Book - How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night, Room On The Broom
Favorite Songs - Popcorn Popping, Wheels On The Bus, Baby Shark
Favorite Toy - His PJ Masks figurines, Cars, Snuggle Rubble
He Can - Jump, Count to Twenty, Run with a Skip :)
He Weighs - 28 lbs (69%)
He Stands - 36 in (88%)
Nicknames - Huddy, Huds, Bud, Huddy Buddy
Loves - Cars, Dinosaurs, Books, Rubble from Paw Patrol
Dislikes - Skipping his naps.
Favorite Game - Racing Addie
Link to All About Hudson Year One

Since this was his golden birthday I wanted to do a golden safari theme but things got a little crazy around here and I wasn't able to get around to the decor. We did get him a birthday shirt though with TWO WILD written in gold letters. Boy I love this boy. He's the funniest little kid and he thrives on making people laugh. If he knows he can do something to make you laugh then he won't stop doing it because he loves the reactions. I love it and I love him. 
Birthday boy
The reason things got a little crazy around here is because we officially made a big change the night before his birthday and decided to move once again. This time it was just to the upstairs part of this house and we got to spend his birthday morning in our new place. We headed to church and then after hurried home so he could take a good nap before his birthday fun. My parents came to our house as soon as Hudson woke up and we were able to do presents. Hudson is very simple. He loves anything book, balls, dinosaurs and cars related. Which was exactly what he got. My parents got him a lot of new books which he wanted Grandma Rueckert to read to him before we could get to the rest of the presents. From us he got a new cars and a car racetrack. Danny was especially excited for the racetrack and probably bought the present more for himself then for Hudson but they both loved it.

Enjoying our new view and the fresh snow.
Heading to church

My parents had to leave after we did presents and then we cleaned up a little bit before Danny's family got there for a little party with presents, brownies and ice cream. It was overall a great day and Hudson loved all the attention he got.

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