Sunday, July 28, 2019

I Will Be What I Believe

Addie had a small solo part she was asked to sing in sacrament meeting today and then when this morning came the nerves got to her a little bit. That was okay though. She's four years old and still braver than I am. She still got up and sang the song and her line was covered by the other kids. She was proud of herself and I am proud of her. It was a little bittersweet because Danny is out of town this week and couldn't be here but then in primary she was asked if she could sing both of the versus and she quickly got up to do it. I snuck this video so that I could have something to show her dad plus this moment was too priceless to not document. Her voice was soft and sweet but her courage was loud and clear. Addie Rae I love you. For someone who got nervous doing her solo line she rocked these two versus. You can tell she's more confident and louder during the parts that the other kids join in for the chorus but her performance was a great mom moment for me. She's a sweet girl and I'm blessed that she's mine.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

First Birthday Letter To Bean

Dear Grant,

We sure love you! You are so cute and your personality is so playful. You're still in an only wanting mommy phase which is okay with me. I actually love it. I'll be sad when you get passed this phase so please still be this way for a while longer. You're pulling yourself up on everything but not taking any steps just yet. I'm sure you'll be doing that very soon though. I can't do anything to stop you from growing up so instead I'm going to cheer you on and be your biggest cheerleader because I cannot wait to see what you'll accomplish. You are such a blessing to our family. Especially to me. I love being your mom. I have a really hard time being away from you so I'm usually taking you with me whenever I leave the house. You're my little buddy and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

You are still my greatest surprise and I wouldn't change a thing about your timing. You have been such an easy going baby. Well you are if I am around. It's so easy to comfort you. You don't cry often, but when yo do it's usually because we're in the car which you hate. I wonder if it's because you can't see me. You hate when I leave to work out. Because you can't see me. You hate if I'm in the same room but out of view. Because you can't see me. Basically, if you can't see me, you hate it. So, when you do cry it's so easy to stop those tears because all you want is me. You have a way of making me feel so special. All I have to do is pick you up and then all is fine again in your world. You have the same effect on me. If I am in a bad mood or things just don't seem to be okay all I have to do is pick you up for some instant comfort and peace. When you were a newborn and I would notice that your dad was having a particular rough time with something I would hand you over to him because you have such a powerful peaceful presence about you and it worked every time. I hope this carries on with you as you grow older. I hope the world that we live in doesn't diminish the peace you bring. 

Grant Alexander I love you with my whole being. Happy first birthday little guy. You deserve the world and more.

All About Grant

Throughout his first year I kept record of all of his milestones and little achievments or firsts on a digital notepad on my phone and it got deleted! I'm so sad about that. So I'll have to fill in his little monthly facts with details based off of memory or the pictures taken from those months. Luckily I do still have his weight and height stats from his well check doctor visits.

Here's just some highlights and facts about our Baby Bean!

0 to 1 Month - Slept through the night at two weeks old! Previous to that he'd only wake up once each night to be fed and changed. He also had his follow up kidney ultrasound appointment and was cleared and healthy. Size newborn diapers and lost a lot of his hair. Said goodbye to Uncle Jon.
1 to 2 Months - Started smiling and cooing. Loves to stare at our ceiling lights. Went on our first camping (cabin) overnight and he did amazing. Size one diapers.
     Stats: 11.94 lbs (37%) 23.7 in (76.7%)
2 to 3 Months - Was blessed by his daddy. Had his newborn pictures retaken. First trip to the zoo. Wearing more 0-3 month clothes.
3 to 4 Months - First Halloween. He dressed as both a Dinosaur and Donald Duck. Coos all the time. Rolled over from back to belly. Hates the car.
     Stats: 14.3 lbs (27%) 26 in (86.5%)
4 to 5 Months - Moved upstairs and was officially transitioned out of the bassinet and into his crib.
Does full on belly laughs and played baby Jesus in two different Christmas parties. Starting to wear 3-6 month clothes.
5 to 6 Months - First Christmas. Says MAMA!! :) Size three diapers.
     Stats: 16.15 lbs (22%) 26.5 in (41.8%)
6 to 7 Months - Introduced to foods and he hates it. Can sit unsupported. Can clap. Got RSV.
7 to 8 Months - Started to like food. Sat in a restaurant highchair for the first time. Loves being outside.
8 to 9 Months - First Easter. Teething.
     Stats: 17.7 lbs (17%) 28.5 in (57%)
9 to 10 Months - Crawls everywhere. Has four teeth now. Wears 6-9 month clothes. Said goodbye to Dad for seven weeks.
10 to 11 Months - Co-sleeps with mom while Dad is away. Loves being outside. Went to the zoo for the second time. Pulls himself up on furniture and starting to cruise while holding on. Welcomed daddy back.
11 to 12 Months - Does not sleep consistently through the night. Walks along all furniture. Loves water. Refuses bottles. Wears 6-12 month clothes and wears size 3 diapers.
     Stats: 18.1 lbs (7.7%) 29.5 in (36%)

List of his current words:
Uh Oh

Favorite Foods- Bananas, mac and cheese, raspberries and blueberries.
He Can - Clap his hands, blow and give kisses, wave, pull himself up, give high fives, walk along furniture, squeal, and give hugs.
He Weighs - 18 lbs
He Stands - 28.5 inches (he measured 29.5 at his Dr visit but he was being a wiggly boy). 
Teeth - 4 teeth, two on top and two on bottom.
Nicknames - Baby Bean, Beans, Granty Panty
Loves - MAMA, wind on his face, playing in the water, clapping, fruit, balls, bouncing on the trampoline and inflatable mattresses
Dislikes - Being in the car seat for awhile, when mommy leaves, when mommy holds another child.
Favorite Toys - Remote control, balls, water table.
Favorite Game - Chase.

Happy birthday Grant Alexander! You've had an amazing first year and we have loved being part of it. I know this next year for you will only get better as you fully transition from baby to toddler. Happy birthday once again.

O-Fish-Ally One!

Beans is o-fish-ally one! He's the best baby and and the perfect addition to our family. There's no way I could ever feel complete without him. It's been fun celebrating him. We did his birthday party with both sides of the family a couple of days ago and it turned out so good. It was a hot day and I was thankful for the slight breeze that we felt every now and then. He's our only summer baby and I liked being able to plan an outdoor party for him. It was fishing themed and I was happy with how it turned out. Most of his presents were things that would benefit the family on our family vacation next week like beach toys and a wagon to carry all the kids which was nice since we already have so many toys between all of the kids. He did get a few toys just to himself and some books as well so don't worry he wasn't deprived of anything. :)
Grant was not a huge fan of birthday cake. He actually didn't even give it much of a chance and instead threw it onto the ground haha. 
Checking out his cake on the ground.
Then he tossed his plate.
 My dad captured the moment that he threw the cake onto the ground and sent them to me.
He ended the party in the little pool which is his favorite and the best way to end it for him.
I love this little boy and our connection is my favorite. Thank you for surprising us and joining our family.