Thursday, July 25, 2019

First Birthday Letter To Bean

Dear Grant,

We sure love you! You are so cute and your personality is so playful. You're still in an only wanting mommy phase which is okay with me. I actually love it. I'll be sad when you get passed this phase so please still be this way for a while longer. You're pulling yourself up on everything but not taking any steps just yet. I'm sure you'll be doing that very soon though. I can't do anything to stop you from growing up so instead I'm going to cheer you on and be your biggest cheerleader because I cannot wait to see what you'll accomplish. You are such a blessing to our family. Especially to me. I love being your mom. I have a really hard time being away from you so I'm usually taking you with me whenever I leave the house. You're my little buddy and I hope it stays that way for a long time.

You are still my greatest surprise and I wouldn't change a thing about your timing. You have been such an easy going baby. Well you are if I am around. It's so easy to comfort you. You don't cry often. You actually hardly cry at all. But when you do it's so easy to stop those tears because all you want is me. You have a way of making me feel so special. All I have to do is pick you up and then all is fine again in your world. You have the same effect on me. If I am in a bad mood or things just don't seem to be okay all I have to do is pick you up for some instant comfort and peace. When you were a newborn and I would notice that your dad was having a particular rough time with something I would hand you over to him because you have such a powerful peaceful presence about you and it worked every time. I hope this carries on with you as you grow older. I hope the world that we live in doesn't diminish the peace you bring. 

Grant Alexander I love you with my whole being. Happy first birthday little guy. You deserve the world and more.

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