Thursday, July 25, 2019

All About Grant

Throughout his first year I kept record of all of his milestones and little achievments or firsts on a digital notepad on my phone and it got deleted! I'm so sad about that. So I'll have to fill in his little monthly facts with details based off of memory or the pictures taken from those months. Luckily I do still have his weight and height stats from his well check doctor visits.

Here's just some highlights and facts about our Baby Bean!

0 to 1 Month - Slept through the night at two weeks old! Previous to that he'd only wake up once each night to be fed and changed. He also had his follow up kidney ultrasound appointment and was cleared and healthy. Size newborn diapers and lost a lot of his hair. Said goodbye to Uncle Jon.
1 to 2 Months - Started smiling and cooing. Loves to stare at our ceiling lights. Went on our first camping (cabin) overnight and he did amazing. Size one diapers.
     Stats: 11.94 lbs (37%) 23.7 in (76.7%)
2 to 3 Months - Was blessed by his daddy. Had his newborn pictures retaken. First trip to the zoo. Wearing more 0-3 month clothes.
3 to 4 Months - First Halloween. He dressed as both a Dinosaur and Donald Duck. Coos all the time. Rolled over from back to belly. Hates the car.
     Stats: 14.3 lbs (27%) 26 in (86.5%)
4 to 5 Months - Moved upstairs and was officially transitioned out of the bassinet and into his crib.
Does full on belly laughs and played baby Jesus in two different Christmas parties. Starting to wear 3-6 month clothes.
5 to 6 Months - First Christmas. Says MAMA!! :) Size three diapers.
     Stats: 16.15 lbs (22%) 26.5 in (41.8%)
6 to 7 Months - Introduced to foods and he hates it. Can sit unsupported. Can clap. Got RSV.
7 to 8 Months - Started to like food. Sat in a restaurant highchair for the first time. Loves being outside.
8 to 9 Months - First Easter. Teething.
     Stats: 17.7 lbs (17%) 28.5 in (57%)
9 to 10 Months - Crawls everywhere. Has four teeth now. Wears 6-9 month clothes. Said goodbye to Dad for seven weeks.
10 to 11 Months - Co-sleeps with mom while Dad is away. Loves being outside. Went to the zoo for the second time. Pulls himself up on furniture and starting to cruise while holding on. Welcomed daddy back.
11 to 12 Months - Does not sleep consistently through the night. Walks along all furniture. Loves water. Refuses bottles. Wears 6-12 month clothes and wears size 3 diapers.
     Stats: 18.1 lbs (7.7%) 29.5 in (36%)

List of his current words:
Uh Oh

Favorite Foods- Bananas, mac and cheese, raspberries and blueberries.
He Can - Clap his hands, blow and give kisses, wave, pull himself up, give high fives, walk along furniture, squeal, and give hugs.
He Weighs - 18 lbs
He Stands - 28.5 inches (he measured 29.5 at his Dr visit but he was being a wiggly boy). 
Teeth - 4 teeth, two on top and two on bottom.
Nicknames - Baby Bean, Beans, Granty Panty
Loves - MAMA, wind on his face, playing in the water, clapping, fruit, balls, bouncing on the trampoline and inflatable mattresses
Dislikes - Being in the car seat for awhile, when mommy leaves, when mommy holds another child.
Favorite Toys - Remote control, balls, water table.
Favorite Game - Chase.

Happy birthday Grant Alexander! You've had an amazing first year and we have loved being part of it. I know this next year for you will only get better as you fully transition from baby to toddler. Happy birthday once again.

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