Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dressups (Jr Ranger, Aviation, Anna and a Soccer Player)

Dress-ups in our house is a very common activity that happens at least once a week with these kids. I also definitely encourage it because I love to see their creative imaginations come out. If Addie wants to wear her Tinker Bell costume to the grocery store then so be it. She actually did when she was two years old and it was adorable. She insisted on leaving the house that way and I didn't say no, even though it was July. Anyway Hudson received a cute jacket from his Aunt Beckie recently and Danny and I aren't sure exactly if it's a pilot jacket or a race car jacket because there are patches sown on that only confuses us more. There's a sown patch on one arm that says "Fighter Pilot" and it even looks like an aviation jacket but then right on the chest is a patch that reads "Race Champion" with a race car flag on it. On the opposite arm is a patch that says "SSS Ranger" and when I looked that up all I could find were sites about a ship so now I really don't know what kind of jacket it is. Whatever kind of jacket it is I do know that it looks so cute on Hudson. While Addie is at school and Grant is napping I like to spend some one on one time with Hudson because as a middle child he doesn't get a lot of that. It's also been feeling really nice outside and it's where he'd rather be playing during any time of the day so while we were out there he gave me some pretty cute smiles. So here's some pictures of my little Jr Ranger and my little Pilot Ship Racer?
Addie got a new Anna costume from Grandma Ferguson for her fifth birthday and she loves it. She wore it for one of our little Sunday walks so I also got some pictures of her in it. She was perfectly in character.

And I of course can't leave out Baby Bean. He was wearing a Utah REAL soccer outfit that I received from my good friend Alyssa when I was pregnant with Hudson. Unfortunately I completely forgot about it until one day I pulled it out and it didn't fit Hudson anymore so he never really got to wear it. Grant on the other hand is a lot smaller than Hudson ever was and has been able to wear this outfit plenty of times. I couldn't resist to get some pictures of him in it because he looked so handsome. 

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