Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Addie's Pokemon Birthday

Happy birthday to miss Addie Rae.

All About Addie Year Five
(According to Addie)

This year I decided to ask Addie how she would answer these facts about her. I'm not even surprised how often she mentioned Pokemon.

Favorite Foods: Spaghetti and pizza
Favorite Shows: Pokemon and Lady Bug Miraculous
Favorite Songs: Popcorn Popping because it reminds her about eating popcorn and Be What I Believe. She had a little solo this year singing the believe song in primary.
Favorite Movies: Pokemon movies and Snow White. I was surprised by her Snow White answer because I don't even remember the last time she's asked to watch this but Snow White is her favorite princess along with Ariel.
Favorite Toy: She pretends that all her stuffed animals are actually different Pokemon and she never forgets which one is which.
Favorite Books: Her Pokemon Guide Book. She reads it every single night.
She Can: read easy words, do a handstand, write her name and name any Pokemon plus type that there is.
She Weighs: 36 lbs
She Stands: 43 in
She Loves: Any thing Pokemon, Hatchimals, LOL Dolls, board games, going on walks to catch dragonflies, school, and Oreos.
She Dislikes: Losing screen time, time outs, when the boys knock down her block creations, and the Dentist.
* Link to all other 'All About Addie' at the bottom 

She's known for a long time that she wanted a Pokemon themed birthday party. At first she wanted a unicorn one but then she changed her mind to Pokemon and stuck with that decision for at least six months. I hesitated to buy anything Pokemon party related until after Georgia had her birthday party at the beginning of September because I wondered if Addie would change her mind once she saw the unicorn party that Georgia asked for but nope Addie knew what she wanted and stuck with it. I love that about her because she reminds me of myself. Once we have our mind made up about something it's pretty difficult to get us to switch things up. Her birthday was on a Monday this year so we had her family party on Sunday the day before. She was so excited for that day to arrive. She had her own countdown that she kept track of and would tell anyone and everyone exactly how many days there were left until her birthday. 
We had most of Danny's family in attendance as well as my parents and my Grandma Rueckert. Even her other Grandma Great (Colleen) came by earlier to wish her a personal happy birthday. We served Pokemon ball pizzas and red and white fruit and it turned out pretty good. There was enough food for everyone and Addie got the party she wished for.

Pizza at Addie's party
Inspiration from a pizza Danny made me when we were dating.
Danny and I gave her our presents for her on the morning of her birthday. She was really excited to get a mega Charazard which has been all she's been talking about for the past month straight. She got five or six gifts from us but the one that Danny was most excited for her to receive was a Pokemon board game that he had played as a young kid. We found it on Ebay and won it in a bidding war. We almost didn't get it but won in the last second. It seems like a fun game and Addie loves games so we can't wait to play it more with her. She then headed to school where she got to take birthday treats to everyone and her teacher did a great job at making her feel special.
Her display of her Pokemon, My Little Pony, Hatchimals and other toys.

That evening we got someone to watch the boys while Danny and I took her for some special Addie time. We took her to the arcade and told her to choose everything for us to do. It was really cute because at first she was acting super shy. It was almost like she didn't know what to do as the only kid. She's so used to having her brothers with us wherever we go. Her timidness almost even caught us off guard for a minute but it didn't take long for her to open up and really enjoy herself. We also told her that she can choose the place for dinner and of course she chose McDonald's. Specifically a McDonald's that has a playplace. That was a real treat for her because we never enter those playplaces. I can't get past the idea of all those germs and it grosses me out but we took our little five year old there and she had a blast. She even ate all her food and mentioned several times how she wished Hudson could be there playing with her. They might argue a lot but when you separate them all they want is to be back together. That's how I know they really love each other. :)
Addie girl I love you and I'm so happy to celebrate you.

Past Birthday Links:
All About Addie Year Four
All About Addie Year Three
All About Addie Year Two
All About Addie Year One

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