Monday, March 22, 2021

First Outing As A Family of Seven (First Dentist Trip for Grant)

The kids had a dentist appointment this morning so we ventured out of the house today for the first real time as a family of seven (we did leave for their photo shoot but this felt different). It was at 9am and of course we were late. Being up multiple times throughout the night has been a struggle and trying to get out of the house with all five kids ready to go looked like a mad dash to crazy town. We made it though and were able to get the kids seen. We suggested that Hudson go first because he's always been really good when it comes to the dentist and we thought we needed Grant to see one of his siblings be brave before he himself got up on the dentist chair. This was Grant's first time ever being seen by the dentist and we were completely not expecting for each kid to react the way that they did. Hudson who we thought would be brave ended up being really scared and nervous this go around. I'm not sure what that was about. Addie, who has always been nervous to be seen before, was the super brave one today. Maybe her aging has played a part but she did fantastic. Grant has never gone before so we assumed he would be nervous hence the reason we wanted Hudson to go first. We were wrong about that as well. He was so brave! When Hudson was struggling Grant just climbed right up and took matters into his own hands lol. Grant ended up going before Hudson and he did so exceptionally well. I think Grant was the reason Hudson was finally able to lay down on the dentist chair himself. I was happy with all three of them and how they handled the dentist because I know it's not every kid's favorite place to be. Addie and Hudson left the appointment with zero cavities which is always great news. Grant was also told that he had zero cavities until I questioned one little spot on his front tooth. After taking a second look the dentist determined that he did have one tiny cavity. I almost wish I hadn't said anything but I know it's good to take care of it while it's really small instead of waiting for it to possibly get bigger. The baby girls slept through the entire appointment which made things for Danny and I even better because it would have been harder to comfort them while also still having to attend to the other three. 


Addie with Hudson in the background

The dentist building is just two buildings down from Grandma Great's house so of course we had to stop by there. Grandma hasn't been feeling great the last couple of weeks so this was her first time seeing the babies. We completely made her day and it was nice to see her cheer up. It's been almost two years since Grandpa Paul passed away so I think March can be a hard month for her and this lonely pandemic is no help. Grandma was able to snuggle both babies and we were able to give them bottles while the kids played. She also ordered us lunch which was very generous and we were able to just have a nice visit. We then went outside because Grandma wanted to show us the baby goats in her barn. There was a little goat that was born yesterday and twin goats that were born this morning. Addie and Hudson really really loved that. Overall it's been a nice day and we discovered that it's possible to go somewhere with all five kids and have it not turn into a disaster haha. We'll just have to make sure we set multiple wake up alarms next time to assure we can get somewhere on time.

Tired out.
Little Quinn

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