Thursday, March 25, 2021

I'm 32!

For the next two months I'm going to be older than Danny and I'm sure I'm bound to hear the old lady jokes often. 😂We didn't make any big plans for my birthday because of our current stage in life. The twins are still so little, we still aren't getting much sleep, and Covid is still a growing concern. I did have a great day though. Danny took over the morning things and let me sleep in which felt amazing. My main gift wont arrive for another week or so but I'm so excited for it. We're finally getting ourselves a king size bed. I've wanted one ever since our honeymoon and after seven plus years we finally are making it happen. I can thank the twins for that. Now that we are getting up so often throughout the night our current bed size just seems so small. Anyway I love that it's coming and I did get some new bedding for the new bed that came today. Addie made me a scavenger hunt and we did part one of it this morning and saved the rest of it for after school today. She needed to head to school and we ran out of time. I love how much she loves birthdays though. It doesn't matter whose birthday it is she gets so excited and I love that about her. While I was sleeping in this morning she got her lego pieces out and made me a little lego dog and she was pretty cute when handing it to me. I love that girl. I also got pictures drawn from Addie and the boys that they made the night before and had been waiting to gift me.

I can't believe I'm now 32 years old and I have five awesome kids. Five kids! I still have to pinch myself because it still feels crazy that there's five of them. My parents made today even better when they drove up to my place and brought along Pollyanna and her newest baby Haivyn. Our baby girls are three days apart and this was the first time we were seeing each other since having our babies. Her baby is so sweet and surprisingly felt so heavy compared to Rylee and Quinn. There's probably only two pounds difference but it's amazing how much of a difference that feels like. Even though they are so close in age I have to remind myself that they are not close developmentally. Haivyn is so awake and alert and my girls use all their energy eating and then go right back to sleep. I'm sure in a couple of weeks we'll start seeing more of their eyes being opened. The three babies together was so cute and I'm really happy that we were able to make this visit happen today.

I also had two different friends stop by today who both brought dinners for my family. It's amazing to me that we'll almost at a full month with these twin girls and we're still getting dinners dropped off to us. I'm blessed with amazing friends and an even better family.

Quinn, Haivyn, Rylee

Grandpa with Rylee

As promised I told Addie we could finish the scavenger hunt she prepared for me. She thought of it all by herself and created little clue hint pieces for me to find. Each green paper had a room written on it of the next room to look in. I'll have to remind myself to throw her the coolest scavenger hunt when her own birthday comes around because she loves it so much. 

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