Saturday, March 20, 2021

Surprise Twin Birth Reaction Hiccup

I really loved how our final reaction video turned out however there were some clips that didn't work and weren't included which of course had me really sad about it. One of those videos were my parents. I was most excited about letting my parents know of our twin news so my Dad was the very first person we called. I had called around 8:30am and they hadn't gotten up yet to start their day. My call woke them up so their reaction was even more hilarious because not only was my dad getting out of that morning grogginess but he was also hit with the news that we were in the hospital, had just given birth the night before and that not only was their one baby but a second as well. Rylee is also named after him so being able to share that news was also special and in the end the entire video didn't even get saved. 😢I was so sad because that video alone had three different people in it. After sharing the news with my dad he had gone over to Debbie and we shared with her and then he took the phone over to my Grandma who also found out right then. They were the first three people to get surprised and none of their reactions was saved. It's kind of devastating. 

After that call we thought we had it figured out and next called Jaina. Her reaction was PRICELESS! It was amazing. The video was recorded and this time it was saved on my phone however the sound didn't work!! At this point I was so irritated. Here we are after successfully keeping a secret for close to nine months and their reactions weren't successfully saved. 😢As annoyed as I was I'm still thankful for at least the video version we did get with hers even though the sound didn't work. It's better than nothing. 

In this clip below Jaina had just finished talking with Danny and meeting Quinn when I took over the phone and then revealed Rylee.

I'm also thankful that we figured out after those two calls on what would work as far as saving these priceless memories because I love that I get to keep these forever. 

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