Friday, November 26, 2021

Butterfly Biosphere

Grandma Donna had asked us what we would like for Christmas this year and we knew exactly how to answer that this year. We wanted a family pass to Thanksgiving Point because we knew that would be something that we would all use and all love. We had wanted one after going to the Children's Curiosity Museum with my dad during our staycation. She was happy to give it to us and instead of waiting until Christmas to actually gift it to us she gave it to us early which was awesome. We decided to check out the Butterfly Biosphere exhibit for our first time using our new family pass. It actually came in great timing because Addie is choosing a subject to make a project on for school and she decided to focus on butterflies. I asked for approval from her teacher on the subject (we have to get approval first) literrally on our way to Thanksgiving Point and she quickly emailed us back saying that would be perfect for Addie. Addie has always loved butterflies and I was excited to have this day be a fun filled family day while also working towards Addie school project at the same time. The kids all had such a fun time. The boys especially loved the play area and didn't want to stop going down the slide time after time. Addie loved the biosphere the most and went back in for a second time while the boys were still going down the slide. The babies kept being perfect patient babies. I know I've said this before but we got so lucky with those two. They have been amazing troopers tagging along with whatever we're up to. I love my family.

A little boy walking by said to us "hey you have a butterfly on your butt".
Sure enough he did.
A butterfly landed on Quinn. She wasn't so sure about it though.
I knew Rylee was going to fall asleep. Her eyes were so heavy.
Tonight Addie made a butterfly and taped it on top of her notebook. This is her new butterfly journal as she learns more about these creatures. It was an awesome day.

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