Sunday, November 14, 2021

Primary Program

Today was the primary program and Addie and Hudson both did so great. My parents, grandma Rueckert, Jaina and Jackson all came to show their support which meant a lot. One little boy struggled just a tiny bit though through the program and that boy was Grant Bean. It actually caught me by surprise and I was not expecting that at all and yet I'm surprised that I was surprised. Grant struggled and was pretty sad because he missed Hudson. Two things calmed him down. One was Danny helping him stand on a chair so that he could see his big brother a little better and the other was him looking at pictures of Hudson on my phone. I love how closely connected Grant is with Hudson. It makes my heart happy. I'm a lucky mom to have five amazing kids. By the time the twins are in sunbeams they'll be almost four and Addie will be in her last year of primary. The primary program is my favorite Sunday of the year and to think that one day all five of my kiddos will be up there at the same time for just one time will be special. I'm already counting that as my favorite program ever. So although I want them all to stay little it's a little something to look forward to.

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