Sunday, June 5, 2022

Chicken Playdate

My backyard neighbor Katie brought her surviving chicken Sookie over for a playdate with our Margo. I'm sure she probably thought it was just an odd request when I asked if we could do it. Her daughter is in my Youth Sunday School class and we were talking about how depressed our single chickens were being. It led to me asking the parents if we could do it and I'm not sure how they truly felt about it but after church we got a knock on our door with Katie and her son named Grant with Sookie. My kids thought it was the most awesome playdate to ever happen. Grant also really loved that there was another little boy named Grant and he would follow him around our yard repeating "Hi Grant hi Grant!" over and over. It turns out that Margo would prefer to stay lonely over making new friends. At this point her eyes have opened so now we know she has some because at one point we thought they were both gone, but we're not sure just how much she can see or if she can see at all. We've been taking her outside the last few days and she seems to enjoy it but she walks into everything. We think maybe she can see some light or shapes but then again we're just guessing and maybe she can't see anything at all. She's definitely vision impaired we just don't know to what extent. Margo did not like Sookie very much though. Sookie on the other hand was in heaven exploring our yard. She found worms and liked Margo's feed and overall took her time getting to know our place. They had said that Sookie hasn't moved much at all since the attack and that she seemed traumatized so the playdate was really good for her morale. It also had a huge benefit on Margo as well even if they're not going to be best buds like we hoped. I think having another chicken around got Margo to finally eat some chicken food for the first time since the attack. It's been ten days since that sad morning and Margo hadn't eaten anything this whole time until today. Honestly we're shocked Margo has been alive this time. We didn't think she'd last the first night but everyday she's improved a little. We're sad she doesn't have any chicken friends especially since she was very social and Agnes was her best friend but it turns out she's content with just being by us, her people. Sookie might be coming back tomorrow so maybe Margo might give her another chance.

Quinn with Margo
Addie with Sookie

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