Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Daniel George! One of our favorite breakfast spots is a little Czech pastry bakery that we absolutely love and feel that more people should know about. They are delicious! I snagged a picture of our breakfast but only after most of the food was gone. It's just so good. I told Danny the night before not to worry about making a breakfast green smoothie the next day because I was going to cover breakfast. I set my alarm for early and drove there before the kids were awake and while Danny was getting in the shower. I grabbed so many different flavors and now I'm wishing I had more for leftovers because of how yummy they are. I got a good mix of savory and sweet. I tend to like the savory more and Danny loves the sweet ones. The kids are weird and won't even give them a chance. Their loss haha. Actually the twins eat anything and loved them. Rylee especially loved the savory and Quinn preferred the sweet fruit ones but they both ate a good amount of both. The kids will eat the sweet ones if they have nutella but won't give the others a chance. It's okay we'll teach them to appreciate the good things in life with due time. Wow this is a full paragraph just on food haha. 

Danny left for school where he has been working extra hard these last couple of weeks. He defends his dissertation next Monday so it's definitely crunch time right now. I knew I wouldn't see him for most of today as he's been working so hard in his office trying to perfect his presentation coming up. I had told him that for dinner we could do whatever he wanted. I could make his favorite meal or he could pick a place. He chose to go out to eat at Wingers. He loves eating wings and thankfully all the kids do as well. The awesome thing is that kids eat free every Tuesday at Wingers which was a nice coincidence and added bonus. We don't enter inside restaurants very much as a whole family because it's much easier to just take food home to eat there with all the kids so they really loved that they were able to eat inside. Everyone behaved pretty well and I feel like we maybe could do this a little more often than we do. They could have done better at actually eating what they ordered but luckily with it being free it made it a little less of a stress. 

We picked up cheesecake on the way home and the kids all got to play the Nintendo Switch for the first time in almost four months. We had taken it away awhile back and told them they could get it back on Dad's birthday because it seemed so far away and now that it's finally here the kids were ecstatic. They have been counting down the days for their dad's birthday just for the sole purpose of celebrating the Switch coming back haha. 

Danny's only present that was here today was a book he had wanted and an art craft Addie had made him. All of his other presents will be here this weekend. Then Grandma and Grandpa Ferguson came by to wish Danny a happy birthday and were able to visit for awhile.

Today is also the ten year anniversary of his best friend's passing which is bittersweet but I think for the most part we were able to help Danny feel special on his birthday today. I love you babe and I am so proud of you and I'm excited for all the things you have coming up. You're going to rock it.

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