Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter 2023

Happy Easter! It's kind of nice to use the whole weekend to celebrate Easter. The kids woke up early on Saturday morning for their Easter baskets. They had asked that we hide them really hard this year so I did exactly that. After a while Addie finally asked us to tell her where it was. 

After the baskets we headed over to the church for our ward's Easter brunch and egg hunt. It was really well put together. There was so much food and they even had a cool Easter walk where you pass by rooms that all depict a day of the week leading up to the day Jesus rose from the dead. It was neat. They even had live chickens in the first room representing sacrificial animals that you can buy as an offering.

Today we were actually on time for church. This does not happen often with our family. The kids sang a song with the primary and did a great job. Church was only an hour long so we headed back home and I snapped some pictures of the kids in their new Easter outfits. They then played in the backyard for quite some time with bubbles. 

After lunch the twins went down for a nap and the rest of us died some eggs. We usually try to do this tradition on Saturday but we had signed up to feed the sister missionaries last night so we didn't have a whole lot of time between playing outside and getting our house all ready. The kids did great with dyeing eggs. The twins ended up not napping like they were supposed to so we finally brought them out when we were almost done.

Last year we had started a new tradition by making resurrection rolls. It's where you put a marshmallow (representing Jesus Christ) into a crescent roll (representing the tomb) after putting it in a spice mixture and then baking them. When they come out of the oven you cut one open to show that the marshmallow is now gone and that Jesus was no longer in the tomb when they looked inside. I think we made fifteen of them and only two of them actually came out looking the way they were supposed to but they all tasted amazing. It's so easy and such a nice way to incorporate more of the true meaning behind why we celebrate Easter.

Just like she did with the twin's birthday Addie wanted to be in charge with decorating the house with Easter decorations. She cut out little eggs and placed them everywhere in the house. She also made a banner and taped it onto the wall. I love that she also loves holidays. One day I can't wait for us to actually own decorations for each holiday but for now it's really fun to watch Addie be creative with it. It also inspired Grant to cut out his own little Easter eggs and he then had me help him tape them all over his room. He said the one on his ceiling fan was his favorite.

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