Saturday, April 22, 2023

Sister Addie Ferguson

The stake had a mini MTC missionary activity for all the kids ages 7 - 11 and I heard Addie had a lot of fun. Her assignment came in a letter that told her she was serving in the Navajo Nation - New Mexico Farmington Mission where she would preach the gospel in the Navajo language. We believe she was a little confused at first about whether or not this was real and we had to explain to her that this was just for fun. I think she was mostly worried about how fast she would need to learn the Navajo language. She was really excited to ride up with her friends from the ward. This little group also all go to the same school together and I got this picture sent to me by the mom who drove them all up. 

Also a little fun fact. My brother Jacob was called to almost the same mission. His was to the Farmington, New Mexico mission speaking English. Addie thought it was pretty cool that her's specifically mentioned Navajo Nation.

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