Monday, December 18, 2023

Have A Fun Trip Felix

Felix had a short season this year. It was kind of nice. 😆

Addie wrote Felix a note asking if he got sticky in his marshmallow bath.
She also told him that she hid a candy cane and asked him to find it.
He was found with said candy cane and in return asked the kids to find twelve that he had hidden.
I had candy canes hidden away in the pantry for this occasion and ready to go because I knew she would be the one to ask him to do it at some point.
This was Danny's creation. Anything creative is always because of him. I tend to just stick him anywhere basic because I'm heading to bed and don't put any thought into it. Sometimes I'll forget that he had already hidden in a certain spot and I don't remember until Addie points out that he's already chosen that spot this year.
Quinn did not like that Felix was with her snowman. 
We later had to separate them when the kids weren't looking.
His third time in the tree.
His second time in this spot 😬
I really was planning on sneaking Felix into Utah with us and I think the kids would have thought that would be so awesome but in the end we decided to leave him behind. It would have been nice to recruit Oma and Opa or even my brother Jacob who is now living with them. They could have hidden him giving me a break, but there will be one or two days where we will be staying at Ty and Marie's house and I didn't want to have an extra thing to worry about if it wasn't necessary. Maybe it would have been fine and maybe it would have been a hassle. In the end it's all okay and Danny talked me into going this route. It looks like Felix will be going on a trip of his own. 
Enjoy yours and we'll be sure to enjoy ours.
See you next year Felix!
Now let's get on a plane. 😁

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