Saturday, December 2, 2023

Hudson's Birthday

All About Hudson Year Seven

Favorite Foods - Sushi, Chicken Adobo, Nachos, Wings, Steak and Soup
Favorite Shows - Dude Perfect and Pokemon
Favorite Movies - Home Alone (All of them)
Favorite Book - Harry Potter
Favorite Songs - This Old Man and Jingle Bells
Favorite Game - Splatoon 2
Best Friend - Hudson S., Kaysen C., Cason H, Ezekiel and Everrett
Favorite Color -Yellow
Loves - Nerf Guns, Harry Potter, Switch Games
Dislikes - Pizza and Mac and Cheese

* Links to all other "All About Hudson" posts at the bottom.

We've had quite the full day celebrating our Hudson boy. It started last night before his birthday. Danny works every Saturday evening and since his birthday fell on a Saturday this year we let Hudson pick out a birthday dinner the night before. Of course he chose McDonalds. For some reason our kids can choose from any restaurant and yet they always fall back on Mickey D's. I wonder what year they'll finally start choosing actual sit down restaurants haha. We obliged and got the birthday boy what the birthday boy wanted. We then let him open up two of his presents. A new Switch game he's been asking for and his own new game controller. The kids only play Nintendo games on the weekends so we felt like that would be a good present to open a little early so that he could have an extra day to use them. Addie also gave him two bracelets that she made him herself. She's always really good about that.

Today is his actual birthday and we started the day early opening up the rest of his presents. He got some new books, a target and bullets with a new nerf gun (thanks Grandma!) and then he finally got his skateboard. He's been asking for a skateboard since he was four years old. Maybe even before that. He used to ask for a surfboard which made zero sense since we were living in Utah and no where near waves so then he switched his request to a skateboard. This year he finally got it.

I love his face when he first saw the skateboard.

After presents we headed to his elementary school where they were having a pancakes with Santa event. We did this last year as well and the kids had fun. This year it was pretty busy but we were still able to see Santa and the Grinch. Unfortunately Santa was a little rushed and he didn't even ask any of the kids what they wanted for Christmas. He was only taking pictures and then moving them along. Hudson made sure to yell out 'hey I want the first Splatoon game'. It was cute in a sad kind of way. Don't worry Huddy, Santa heard you and I'm sure you'll be pleased this year 😉.

After pancakes Dad went home with the three girls while I took the boys for an updated haircut. They just got some cuts a couple weeks ago but with family pictures happening tomorrow I wanted to get them looking fresh again. 

Once that was done we headed to Jungle Jam. It's an indoor playground that only the boys had been too because of a friend's birthday party. Everyone had so much fun. Even Danny and I were able to relax as we watched over our kids. They were all pretty happy with this nice family celebration over Hudson.

We spent several hours at Jungle Jam before hunger took over so we got the kids all in the car and headed to Freddy's. We pass this place every week but have never tried the food there. We finally did and it did not disappoint. The kids all did so well inside which is always a plus. 

Once we got home Danny had to head off for work which was sad but it was great spending almost a full day together with our focus on Hudson. His favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone so that's what we did tonight. We watched the first Home Alone and had some birthday cake. The kids are in bed now and Danny should be coming home soon. Hudson I love you and I hope you had an awesome birthday.

Hudson asked if I could take a picture of him pretending to blow out a candle on his piece of cake. I love his cute little smile. I love this boy so much.

Link to All About Hudson Year One
Link to All About Hudson Year Two
Link to All About Hudson Year Three
Link to All About Hudson Year Four
Link to All About Hudson Year Five
Link to All About Hudson Year Six

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