Monday, February 5, 2024


Last week was a long week. Four of the five kids came down with strep throat. The only kid to escape it was Addie "knock on wood". Friday was the first day that we had all of the three older kids go to school. That morning though Grant complained a little bit about his knees itching. We thought it was a weird comment but didn't think too much of it and sent him to school. Then later that night after getting his second dose of the day and after all the kids were already tucked into bed Grant came out to find Danny and I to complain of more itching. Wow, this time we could clearly see that something was wrong. He had red bumpy hives all over his body. Good thing was that his throat didn't seem to be effected at all but we felt so bad for him. Neither Danny or I have allergies ourselves and none of the other kids seem to so this was a new ballgame for us. I reached out to my friend who seems to be allergic to everything and she talked me through some comfort tips for Grant. We didn't have any Benadryl so Danny left to go grab some and we put some anti-itch cream on him. Since his throat was okay it didn't require serious medical attention but we were told to not give him any more doses until we talked to a doctor. Thinking back on that morning when he complained of his knees we figured that it was shortly after he was given his morning dose. I have no idea if more hives broke out on him while he was at school but we were never notified with any questions or concerns from his teacher so I hope it was just mild and stayed around his knees. Like I said I don't really know anything about allergies so I don't know if his symptoms progressively get worse with each dose or not but we haven't given him any of that antibiotic since Friday night. I talked with a nurse and a pharmacist on Saturday morning for a different prescription and was told that this new one had a ten percent chance of him also having a reaction to it since they are both in the same penicillin family. They said if he even mentions his throat feeling weird to call 911. He's been taking it morning and night for two days now and so far there's been no signs and I'm hoping it stays that way. It's been a weird and long week for sure. Poor Beans.

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