Thursday, February 1, 2024

New Smile

I've never met a more excited kid to lose a tooth. Hudson was so stoked his turn finally came. He's had a wiggly tooth for about a week now and last night he finally lost it. He let me pull it out with some floss and it didn't even bleed. He couldn't have been happier. This morning he woke up so excited to check under his pillow. He found a five dollar bill which Addie was quick to point out that she only got two dollars for her first one lost. Oops. To be fair she was the one telling us that the tooth fairy apparently gives out five dollars for the first tooth lost so she can't really be too upset haha. Hudson knows that the rest moving forward will probably only be a dollar each. He doesn't care he's just happy regardless. According to him he's the last one in all of his class to finally have a lost tooth. He said he's probably the last one in all of his grade and he's so excited to be part of the missing teeth club. Oh wow I love this kid. He kept asking me and his dad if we were happy for him. Of course we are buddy. Enjoy your new smile. 😄

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